Black, Purple and Blue

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Eddie POV

As I was walking around to drivers side, I replayed Bucks words in my head about his stomach, chest, and shoulder. Why am I not taking him to the ER. All I knew was, was that Im gonna take care of my friend.


It takes about 20 minutes to get to Bucks place on a normal day. However, there was an earthquake so it took us about 2 hours to get there. We pulled up to his,well, Abby's apartment building in silence. The whole ride to his house was nerve racking. Every five minutes I was stealing glances at Buck, due to every five minutes he would take a shuddering breath, or let out whimper or moan. I hated seeing such a strong person in so much pain, especially this person who had my back in the field, and me having his. As soon as I threw the car in park I hopped out before Buck could even unbuckle. "I got you..." I promised when Buck almost fell out of the vehicle. He fell straight into my arms, again like a hug, so I had him lean against the truck in a semi standing position. I shut the door and looked at him. He must have saw the fear in my eyes because he said "Hey, Im fine... okay..." putting emphasis into the last three words. He looked dead into my eyes, and I looked into his which betrayed how he much pain he was really in. Agony. Buck gave a small smile and coughed, wincing from the pain. "Lets get you inside?" I said in my sweet dad voice, at least thats what my abuileta calls it. I moved my arm around his waist elicting a hiss of pain and me letting go immediately. "I-I got it." He said through clenched teeth. I nodded and waited for him to take the first step. He took a couple of deep breaths and began his trek to the building. He seemed to be walking fine, normal as a matter of fact. Only odd thing was his breathing and the fact his hand still hovered on midsection. We arrived in the building and gotten onto the elevator, when I had to state the obvious. "You do know that Im gonna do a full exam on you when we get in, right?" He chuckled causing a groan right after and responded "I figured you would say that." Giving a sly smile I responded "Good." The elevator stopped and he pushed off the wall with a grunt and walked briskly down the hall. Faster than he did walking to the building for sure. He was more slightly hunched over, which worried me. I sped up my walking. He took a corner quickly, therefore I took a corner quick to catch up to him. When I came around the wall, immedaite fear coursed through my veins when I saw Buck leaning his apartment door with sweat pouring down the front and back of shirt. He had a green look to his face and he was shaking so bad that he dropped his key. I ran the rest of the way to him, picked up the key and unlocked the door. I pulled his body over my shoulder roughly and practically carried him to his bathroom. The moment I got to the bathroom doorway he began to gag, and swallow convulsivley. There wasn't enough time, for me to get him to the toilet so the sink would have to do. I leaned him over the sink and he let it rip. It was honestly scary how hard this guy was vomiting. "OH...GOD! WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!" He cried gripping his stomach in absolute pain. I grabbed his shoulders and leaned him back over the sink, when he started swaying. It scared the absolute shit outta me, the way he was screaming bloody murder. I was terrified. he just hit his stomach and chest on the wall, where did the vomiting come from. He made a whining noise similar to a puppies, before vomiting more. again. again. and again. just stopped. He spit the rest of the bile out of his mouth, then taking the cup next to faucet, rinsing his mouth. "You good to go or you think you need to throw up again?" I asked stooping down to the level of his eyes. He leaned up minutely and shook his head. "Im...Im good i think... can you get me some water while I take a shower?" He asked softly. He sounded just like a kid, which made me smile inwardly, but the smile faded quickly because this was not a happy occasion. "Yeah. sure. yell if you need help.Okay?" I told him turning to walk away. I walked to the kitchen and had to open almost every caninet to find a glass. I took the glass and filled it up with tap water. The time that I had while he was in the shower was useful to call carla and tell her to drop Christopher off at Abby's place. But carla is such a sweetheart, she offered to take him to her house for the night, after I told her everything thats happening. (what would I do without her.) I heard the shower shut off, so I decided to head over to the bathroom again. I knocked on the door. no response. I knocked again and again. Nothing. "Buck!...Buck!...You alright?" There was still no response. My nerves began to get rattled, but calmed when suddenly the door opened to a terrified Buck, gasping as if he just got the shit scared out of him. Then I looked down his body and finnaly understood why he was scared. His chest and abdomen was a deep black, purple and blue. I looked his body up and down in sympathy, when I realized he was shaking. I placed the glass of water on the bed side table and moved over to his side to comfort him. "Hey, its okay, its not that bad, you are gonna be just fine!" Trying to get his full attention snapping his fingers in his face, when he saw his eyes start to widen with panic. "M-my my chest...f-feels like...its on...f-fire!" He said breathlessly. His fear heightend mine. I sighed trying to keep calm for all of our sakes." here, over here, put your boxers on and you're going to bed. I'll do a check up tommorrow." I said pulling lightly on his arm leading him to his drawers. I left to let him get changed and came back in go him sleeping ontop of the covers. I laughed quietly, for he reminded me of my own kiddo. I gently pulled the covers out from under him and tucked him in. I sat in the rocking chair infront of the foot of the bed and watched him sleep fitfuly.

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