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Gigi made her way through the halls of Auradon Prep, as students chatted away about things she couldn't really hear

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Gigi made her way through the halls of Auradon Prep, as students chatted away about things she couldn't really hear. Or rather she didn't want to hear because what was the fun in that? They were always spouting nonsense that didn't need to be listened to.

Auradon may have been the place where good doesn't get much better but it didn't mean all of its inhabitants were angels. In Gigi's opinion, some of them were probably meant to live on the Isle of the Lost. They had the hearts of villains anyway.

But there were some nice people. People who were genuinely nice, and not fake about it. Though there weren't many. Auradon was full of fake people trying to pull off the act of being perfect. Because it wasn't perfect. It couldn't be perfect because no one was perfect. Something many of them needed to learn anyway.

It was kind of tiring always having a smile on her face, have to smize which was smiling with your eyes. It was dumb but it was better than living on the Isle, surrounded by people who would never smile for good intentions. They all had ulterior motives in their smiles. It was rather stupid anyway,

"Hey G!" CJ called, swinging off a rope that Gigi had no idea where it had come from.

"Hi CJ." Gigi said. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing." CJ said. "Going to school is boring but I like the parties that they have every weekend so it works out."

"Yes CJ." Gigi said. "Because I love dragging you home when your too drunk to walk yourself."

"No," CJ said. "There is no drinking in Auradon under the age of eighteen. I don't know what your talking about."

"Whatever you say CJ." Gigi said.

"So where are you going?" CJ asked. "You seem to be on a rush to get somewhere."

"Well I'm already late to talking to Ben." Gigi said. "And when I walk through the door they'll probably all be looking at me."

"Well I'll tag along." CJ said. "I need an excuse to miss Chemistry anyway."

"Mr. Deley is awful." Gigi said.

"He is." CJ agreed. "His voice always puts me to sleep. No wonder I'm failing his class."

"CJ you'd be failing everything if I didn't help you." Gigi said.

"Yes I would." CJ said. "Thank you for pointing that out. You are a great help by the way,"

"Thanks," Gigi said, standing in front of the door to Ben's office. She took a deep breath before turning the door knob. And sure enough, all her friends turned to look at her as she and CJ walked in.

"You're late." Crystal said, tapping her wrist like she had a watch on. "Why may I ask?"

"I'm not that late." Gigi protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are five minutes later than I told you to be." Crystal said. "Now explain yourself."

"Or." Elisa said. "Here's a thought. Maybe we can go straight to the point? I really want someone to explain why we are all here."

"Well." Ben said. "You know how we were trying to find Gigi's parents?"

"What?" Talia said. "You found them?"

"No." Ben said. "But I thought if we asked every ruler of every province in Auradon we might get an answer."

"But That would take forever." Annalina said. "And we want her to find them now."

"I know." Ben said. "But we've looked in the books, all the files and nothing turns up."

"We could do a DNA test." Talia said. "Maleficent made it clear that Gigi was of Royal blood and was heir to a throne. We just have to find out which one."

"So we get a strand of hair from every ruler in Auradon?" Ben said. "That seems like a better idea then I had."

"We all have better ideas than you had." Elisa said.

"Well I brought Gigi here in the first place so thank you." Ben said.

A knock was heard at the door.

"Come in!" Ben called as Mal and Evie walked in.

"We were meeting and you didn't call us?" Evie said, crossing her arms over her chest. "That's rude,"

"Very." Mal agreed, her new blonde hair with purple tips still didn't look right to Gigi.

"Sorry." Pandora said. "We kind of forgot to invite you. They take too long to get ready so it slipped our minds."

"We do not take too long to get ready." Maddie said. "We are fashionably late."

"Yes." Ally said. "We have to look our best. Besides like we said before we have terrible timing. And you guys don't really help."

"Okay." Ben said. "Let's take a breath before we continue. You guys seem to be wanting to fight and your forgetting why we're here."

"We're here because we're trying to help Gigi find her family." Elisa said. "And so far no one in Auradon wants to fess up and say she's their child."

"I don't understand why it's so hard." Annalina said. "If I'd lost my child for sixteen years, I'd sure to see her the minute I heard she was back and been found."

"Well Annalina." Elisa said. "What if they can't believe their luck and are afraid her living on the Isle would make her not the person they expected her to be?"

"Well you make a good point there, Elisa." Annalina said. "But why don't they just come and meet her? It's not that hard."

"It really isn't." Talia said. "Whoever they are they really need to grow up and claim their child. Because that's just rude."

"It is very rude." Annalina said. "Gigi is an amazing person, and they need to get to their senses."

"I know." Maddie said. "It's kind of dumb of them to just let her go on without ever meeting her, or just doesn't seem right."

Her friends went back and forth about how amazing she was, and she appreciated it really. But she wanted answers, and from what she was hearing, it would take a long time for them to happen.

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