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Gigi ran and ran not knowing where she was taking herself

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Gigi ran and ran not knowing where she was taking herself. The shouts of her classmates faded as she came out of the forest, slowing down as she walked past the front of the school.

She was glad there hadn't been any reporters on campus, otherwise everyone would know she had cried.

They wouldn't know why. The reporters would have faked a story together and deduced that Gigi was being sent back to the Isle or that her parent didn't want her.

Auradon was full of some pretty sick people.

Gigi took a deep breath, trying to stop the tears from falling. It wasn't working.

Aurora's words kept ringing in her mind.

She was raised to be a villain. That's what she is. I don't care who her mother really is.

That's all she'll ever be.

Gigi didn't like that. Aurora had been shown to be such a nice person on the Isle when she watched her on the TV. But this Aurora was different. This was Aurora when she wasn't hiding behind her fake happy attitude.

This was Aurora after all the traumatizing encounters she had had with Maleficent. This was the Aurora who was paranoid, the Aurora who still had to look over her shoulder every few seconds. This was the broken Aurora. This was the real Aurora, a shadow of what she had been in her youth.

Maleficent has changed Aurora's life so drastically that Aurora had to take out her pent our frustrations on something or rather someone.

There were two.

Gigi and Mal.

She despised Mal for obvious reasons, because of her heritage, because of who her mother was. She never did try to see Mal for who she really was. She had just grouped her with her mother and left it at that. Mal saving Auradon she thought was part of some big plan to take over Auradon.

Mal had stolen her daughter's boyfriend, and Aurora was still fuming from it.

But Gigi had no idea why Aurora hated her so much. It didn't make sense to her.

Aurora didn't care about who Gigi's mother could be. She cared about who Gigi had been, where Gigi had grown up. That's all she saw Gigi as. A villain kid.

Gigi didn't support that in any way.

If Aurora had heard from Maleficent's own mouth that Gigi was the child of some royal who she'd been taken from at birth. She didn't try to show it and would remain that way until she met Gigi's mother.

Until then Gigi would have to endure her taunts, ignore them for the most part. Aurora had showed her that not all heroes were as good as they claimed to be. No one was a hero or villain, it was just what they'd been labeled as from the beginning. But people change and so do their roles.

It would never be believed that an Auradonian would turn evil, or an Isle resident could turn good.

The VKs had changed that notion showing them that people with villainous roots could leave them and turn to good.

Which meant that people from Auradon could turn evil if given the chance...

Gigi was snapped out of her thoughts when she bumped into someone. That someone happened to be the king of Auradon.

"Sorry Gigi-." Ben paused taking a closer look at his friend. Her eyes were red and tears streaked her cheeks. "Are you okay?"

Gigi tried to form a sentence but nothing came out. She sniffles and shook her head.

"What happened?" Ben asked, leading her to his office, wherever he was going before had been forgotten.

Gigi blinked rapidly trying to stop the tears that kept falling. It wasn't working. She took her hand and wiped at her eyes.

Ben opened the door to his office, letting Gigi in before shutting the door behind them. He offered her a tissue which she took, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Ben gave her a moment to calm down, waiting for her to breathe a bit before he could ask her his questions.

Gigi sighed, the tears had stopped as she began to collect herself.

"What happened?" Ben asked. "You're supposed to be in Enchanted Forestry. Why aren't you?"

"Aurora said-." Gigi paused not knowing how she could explain what the Queen of Auroria had told her. Or if she could for that matter.

"What did she say?" Ben said, placing his hand on top of Gigi's.

Gigi took another breath feeling the tears brimming in her eyes.

"Aurora said that since I was raised to be a villain. That's what I am. Ans she doesn't care who my mother really is."

"Why did she say that?" Ben said. "What happened before that?"

"She was talking about flowers and other things." Gigi said. "She asked me what the healing flower did, where it came from. And I said that it healed Rapunzel's mom when she was sick and gave her her magical hair. And that it could make old hags younger. Like my mo-. Like Mother Gothel. And her."

"You called Aurora an old bag?" Ben said, trying to stop himself from laughing. His face settled in a frown. "That isn't very nice G."

"She said I should go talk to you." Gigi said. "And maybe you'd send me where I belong. And Chad said that I was from here so she said the first thing I said. So I just left. I left a mess. I'm pretty sure that was what she wanted."

"Well." Ben said. "What you said wasn't really nice. But Aurora wasn't justified to say those things to you. I'll have Fairy Godmother chat with her. Actually Fairy Godmother would just let it go. I'll ask my dad to chat with her. He really wants you to find your mom you know? I don't think he'd appreciate what she said."

"Thanks Ben." Gigi said, sniffling. "For everything."

"It's the least I can do." Ben said. "You've done so much for me. It's time I return the favor. That's what friends are for. And our one of my best friends."

Gigi smiled, her tears forgotten as Ben grinned.

"I'll see you later." Gigi said, heading out the door.

"Bye." Ben called.

Gigi smiled to herself. She had no idea Ben had considered her that much of a friend. She'd just thought she'd been one of my many. She was glad she'd been wrong.

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