第12章 (Chapter 12)

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Happy Late Birthday @SuzuneisSilenced !

First person to comment gets to decide when I post my next update!

While writing this, I wrote 'Tomura and Shigaraki' and didn't realize until after 300 words xD

I just read through all my chapters trying to find All Might and Nezu's last meeting T_T


It's 1am and my last brain cell wrote this, so ignore the bullshit writing. Basically ignore this whole chapter :)

here you go THOTS:

CHAPTER 12: Tough Times


"Jesus Christ! Toga! I've missed you so much!" I yell running into her arms and we squeeze together.

First of all; no we're not dating.

That's just ew.

She's my best bestest and the most highest of the best friends I have ever had.

More correctly, she's the only best friend I've ever had.

I can tell her anything, and trust me, she has some tea too.

While we hug, I pull Dabi into the hug and I suddenly feel tears prickle my eyes.

It may sound stupid, but, this is the first time I've felt safe since a while.

We may all have fucked up morality, but we're like a fucked up family who'll watch each other's backs.

Like a fucked up wolf pack.

That's fucked up.


"Oh right, good morning Shigaraki, and you too Kurogiri."

"Thank you. Honestly, kids these days." Shigaraki says shaking his head.

A collective sweats drops from the group, because honestly, Shigaraki is probably mentally 5 years old.

"Well," Kurogiri starts. "Since we're all together now, how about you three young ones go explore while Shigaraki and I think of our next move."

"Yessir!" Yoga says giggling while Dabi just shrugs in a 'why not' way.

"Sure, but I have a question," I say sheepishly.

"Speak for I am listening." Shigaraki says in an ancient voice.

"Do we have to kill All Might?"

Silence fills the room.


When I asked for tea, this is not what I meant.

All Might was currently in what was supposed to be a 'serious interrogation' with Nezu.

Instead, All Might had made the horrifying mistake of asking for tea.

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