t h r e e

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Future was everywhere, enveloping Harry.

He couldn't see anything, surrounded by a cloud of black.

And then it cleared.

"This is Louis, this time next year. This is what you do to him."

And there he was.

Sat on the cold bathroom floor.

The exact one that Harry had died on.

"See you soon, Harry."

It was then that Harry registered what was in Louis' hand.

It was a handful of pills.

"No! Louis, no! You can't!" Harry cried, screamed at the top of his lungs.

But Louis didn't hear. Just started at the pills and cried. Harry tried to grab him, to knock the pills to the floor, to beg him to stop, my his hands fly through him like he's a mirage.

"Make it stop, please...just make it stop!"

"It isn't going to stop. You did this. Now you have to watch."

Future stood above Harry's shaking body, no emotion shown on his face as the young boy collapsed with tears streaming down his face.

"Not this...Louis doesn't deserve this."

And as a broken Harry turned to watch an equally broken Louis, taking the same route that Harry had a year ago, Harry couldn't help but regret his decision.

Not for him, but for Louis.

That beautiful boy who should never have been torn from life.

And here he was, ending everything to be with a suicidal freak.

Harry watched as Louis swallowed the pills, hands shaking, lip trembling.

He was so fragile.

Harry watched as the drugs destroyed his system, turning his mind and soul to mush.

He watched as his eyes flickered behind closed eyelids, as his body became wracked with tremours.

He was shaking and sweating and dying.

The life flowed out of his body, consuming Harry with a sense of complete and utter grief.

He was watching his lover die.

Because of him.

And it was horrible.

Everything seemed to slow down.

He could hear Louis' heartbeat ringing in his ears.




He stayed, not moving as paramedics rushed into the bathroom.

Someone must have called them.

Not that they would be any use.

Louis was already dead.

He couldn't be saved.

"This is your fault. He wouldn't have done this if you were still alive."

"I'm sorry. Please, take me back."

Future ignored Harry and continued to stare at the scene in front of them, forcing Harry's attention back to the broken body on the bathroom floor.

Zayn was there now, along with Liam and Niall.

"Not again, not to Louis...please!" Zayn screamed out, pulling against Niall and Liam as he desperately tried to get to Louis' body.

"Not after Harry...not now."

Silent tears streamed down Liam and Niall's faces as they watched Zayn break.

He was closest with Louis and Harry.

And they were both dead.

Because Harry made a stupid choice at Christmas.

He didn't think.

He didn't think anyone would care.

He thought he would be a little, tiny, insignificant death that people would get over in a matter of days.

Most people probably had gotten over him.

After all, that's the entire concept of celebrities.

They're remembered until they're dead.

Sure, the world'll grieve for a couple of days, but after that, they've forgotten who even died.

Hell, they've forgotten you even lived.

But Louis didn't forget.

He didn't move on.

And now this.

Harry couldn't do anything but stare as Louis was pronounced dead at the scene.

And as Future gripped him and dragged him off, all Harry could think about was how wrong he'd been.

It wasn't meant to end like this.


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