t h i r t e e n

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It had been a year.

A year since Harry killed himself.

A year since the miracle that brough Harry back to life.

That brought Harry back to Louis.

And he couldn't be more grateful.

Every day, he said thanks to Death.

Whilst people prayed to God, Harry prayed to Death.

Because out of all the miserable lives that Death could have saved, he chose Harry.

And Harry was so fucking grateful.

Because Zayn was still a healthy weight.

Because Louis was still alive.

And so was he.

Every day he got to wake up to Louis' sleeping face and there was nothing more beautiful on earth or in heaven than that.

And it made Harry so damn happy that Death let him live.

Death made him see that there is no comparison in death to what it's like to live.

Because after all, what's the point in life if you're not going to live?

And it took Harry a meeting with Death for him to understand that.

Not that Harry would change anything.

Because he understood pain.

He understood hurt.

He understood the wounds that humans were capable of causing.

And that meant that he knew how to put a band aid on it and kiss it better.

And every time he saw a fan crying, or when he recieved a note telling him how much he had helped them, he appreciated it so much more.

He took time to tweet fans, he took time to say thank you.

Because he understood how goddamn hard they had worked to get him to where he was.

And they all felt pain, they had all shed tears, and they still found it in them to fight.

And that was what Harry admired most.

They fought for something.

And now he would to. He'd become just like them. He'd be as strong as they thought he was.

He'd fight for Louis. Hell, he'd fight for himself.

And eventually someone had to win the war.

No matter how many years it took, no matter how many tears were shed.

Someone would win.

And Harry would be damned if someone's demons were given the chance to win if he had anything to do with it.

Because fighting was so worth it.

And as the rays of light filtered through the drapes in the room that he was staying in, illuminating Louis' cheekbones, Harry thought to himself that he wanted to spend the rest of his life waking up to Louis and falling asleep with him in his arms.

Because nothing could hurt him if Louis was there.


A sleepy Louis opened one eye to find Harry staring at him with the kind of love that neither Louis nor Harry ever expected to receive.

"Morning, love."

All Louis could do was snuggle closer into Harry's warmth, and all Harry could do was wonder how the hell he got so lucky.

Neither of them moved for a considerable time after that, wrapped in each other's love and warmth, but someone moved in the shadows.

Because Death had never really let go of Harry.

And as he watched the couple, for the first time in so long, he felt happiness.

Because this wonderful couple that had been through so much managed to find happiness within each other.

And Death was really fucking glad that he brought Harry back to life.

Because now Harry understood.

And Harry had a chance to experience the kind of happiness that very few people ever did.

And Death heard every single one of Harry's prayers and he appreciated them so much more.

Because Harry had some insight into what Death had been through.

And despite what Death had done, Harry could still find it in him to be sympathetic.

And that was enough for Death.

It was enough for Death to see that humanity was not completely desolate.

Amongst the anger, and the hate, and the violence, there were still so many people who were capable of love.

And love is perhaps the strongest gift of all.

After all, it brought Harry back to life.

It gave him the courage to carry on fighting.

And it gave Death the chance to see just how beautiful humanity could be.

And although Harry's story was a tragic one, if that beautiful boy hadn't tried to take his life on Christmas eve, then perhaps Death wouldn't have realised how beautiful the earth could be.

He realised that humanity was capable of peace, and love, and kindness, and forgiveness.

And in turn, Death forgave humanity.

And he came to love it.

And that, perhaps, is the greatest gift of all.


-s (and j who did not write this chapter but wants to thank you for reading!!!! i also want to remind those who are struggling that if you need to talk, you can always find me on twitter or kik or even snapchat. you aren't alone. you can also go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org or call, day or night, +18002738255 if you ever need to)

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