e l e v e n

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When Harry woke, he was in a hospital bed.

He was alone, with only the steady beating of the heart monitor beside him.

It was dark, and the only light was from the moon which filtered through a crack in the curtains.

It was almost ethereal.

Harry looked around, seeing how completely desolate the room was.

It didn't even look like a hospital room.

There were no other beds, no other patients.

Only him, the bed, and the heart monitor.

And the heart monitor wasn't even plugged in.

Yet it still beeped.

Harry removed the heart monitor from where it was clipped onto his finger, and slowly sat up on the bed.

He headed out of the door and realised that he was no longer wearing a hospital robe.

Instead he was wearing a sweater with a pair of skinny jeans and those god awful boots that he loved.

He walked out into the corridor, which was broken and wrecked - the walls were peeling and dust and cobwebs had settled across the floor.

On a wall, there was a note.

It was the only thing in the entire hospital that looked even relatively new.

Harry pulled it off the pin that had been holding it up.

Fight your way out.


And then Harry understood.

This wasn't reality.

Not yet.

This was the only way he could get out.

He turned corner after corner in the hospital and ran through desolate hallways.

There was no way out.

But there had to be.

Death had said there would be.

Harry chose to live, so why wasn't he alive?

Why wasn't he with Louis?

Why was he trying to fight his way through an impossible hospital in an impossible place.

There was nothing there.

He was running up and down the same corridor but there was nowhere else to go.

No matter which corridor he turned through, he always ended up in the same place.

So he walked back into the room.

The empty room with the heart monitor and the bed.

The empty room with the window.

And windows could be broken.

Harry took the heart monitor and dragged it over to the window.

He had to get out.

So he lifted it and swung it with all his might.

And the window smashed.

Only, where it had been night before, it was day.

The sun shone and the leaves of autumn floated to the ground.

Harry climbed out of the window, jumping to the ground beneath him.

But he still wasn't out.

There were still no people.

There were still no sounds.

Harry wandered through the empty streets and found a park.

A park where everything functioned.

A park where there were still no people.

But there was a note taped to the swing.

what are you looking for?


Harry had no clue what he was looking for.

He had no clue as to why he was here, for god's sake.

He continued on, past the park and into the trees that surrounded it.

There was still nothing.

But there was a voice.

"Harry, Harry come back to me.

"Harry, please.

"Harry, don't leave me, Harry you promised."


That was Louis.

But Harry couldn't reach him.


His voice echoed through the trees, but never reaching Louis.

And then he saw one final note from death.

without death, there would be no life.


And then Harry understood.

He had to kill himself one last time.

He had to kill himself and then he would be with Louis.

Then he would be alive again.

So he made his way back into the hospital, scaling the wall with the broken window that seemed way further up than it had on the way down.

He saw the heart monitor and the cable.

The cable that he ripped loose.

The cable that he attached to the light fixture on the ceiling.

The cable that he wrapped around his neck.

The cable that he killed himself with.


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