Broken Promises

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A/N: The first chapter will be in a narrative form.


8 years ago: Lauren

Lauren got a weekly counselling session with her program chair in her course, irony, Lauren studies Psychology but here she is, seeking for a help from a professional.

Lauren was diagnosed Depressed and Severe Anxiety Disorder. It was all triggered because of her break up with Camila.

Lauren came out to her mom as well, but it didn't went well. Her mom won't accept her being gay, but still she fought because she wanted to be accepted for what she truly is.

Lauren felt alone without Camila, and her mind always betrays her. She wanted to think positively but her fucked up mind always sends her a picture of what she feared the most, Camila being with another man or being with Austin.

Lauren love Camila so much that she sacrificed her family for her but Camila is unsure of everything she decides.

8 years ago: Camila

She was just a teenager, still undecided. And Camila is still not sure if she wanted to be with Lauren until the end. She was selfish while Lauren was selfless.

After their break up, Austin made a move on Camila and Camila just let him. Not really caring what would Lauren feels. She wanted to enjoy life as a teenager but in exchange for their relationship. She wanted to be free from all. But she had Austin tailing her.

She knew about Lauren's status but she was thinking for her own. She love Lauren but she still doesnt know if she really wants to be with her.

Lauren is her first kiss, first love, first everything. She was devirginized by Lauren and she got Lauren's virginity as well.

They were happy, she was happy but there is something that bothers her.

Her future, she has no plan. Well, she planned to graduated from college and get a job but she didnt planned if who would she want to be with.

She knew that Lauren would be hurt if she would entertain Austin but she thought that it's just a friendly thing for Austin but she was wrong and end up dating him that crashes Lauren's dream and heart.

Does she really have that feelings for Austin? Or she is still inlove with Lauren but she just needed time to fly?

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