fourteen; private messages

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rose the hose 🤰🤤
Arabella. Scarlett. Scott.

you have some explaining
to do, missy.

uhhhh I'm scared

you didn't receive any
packages in the mail
adressed to me did you...?

rose the hose🤰🤤 

okay good. never mind, then

rose the hose🤰🤤 
I'm not even gonna ask.

good idea

rose the hose🤰🤤
as I was about to say earlier,
you haven't texted me in 
like fifty years. what's going
on w/ you? 👹

oops, wrong emoji



😔, there we go

nothing - I'm doing fine

rose the hose🤰🤤 
then what's with the radio
silence? we usually talk
everyday, bels.

I know, rosey. I've just been
so busy lately with work and
some other things

here's a picture of some
plums to show my remorse

here's a picture of someplums to show my remorse

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rose the hose🤰🤤
wow... thanks... for that.

family stuff acting up again,

how the hell did you know?

rose the hose🤰🤤
because you're you and I'm me.
you're like the weird other, fucked
up part of my brain.

aw. how nice.

rose the hose🤰🤤
you're welcome!

now keep talking to me about
your problems.

I don't know what to say.
the doctors say the same
thing every time

"miss scott, your father is 
very sick. we recommend
either another round of
radiation or stopping the
chemo altogether, blah blah
blah I'm a doctor here's my
phd shove it up your ass"

it's whatever, rose. I'm just 
worried about wesley

rose the hose🤰🤤
jesus, arabella...

it's okay to not be fine, you
know. anyone in your
position would probably be
losing their shit on the daily

the only reason I'm not losing
my shit is because I already lost
it a few years back

that, and because I have some
pretty incredible friends

rose the hose🤰🤤
yeah that's fair. you do have
some of the best friends I've
ever meet. joseph asks me
how you are almost every
day, you know. 

:) really?

rose the hose🤰🤤
yeah. he knows how you never
talk about the shit going on in
your life. he really worries about
you, dude.

he's a great guy. it sucks to
hear about what happened
with Persia. I was really
rooting for them

rose the hose🤰🤤
I know - but something tells
me he'll find his person
sooner or later...

I hope so. he deserves to
be happy more than anyone

rose the hose🤰🤤
so do you, ara.


rose would die for
ara!!  they're cute

and now you guys
know a lil bit about
ara's family. she's
not so open about
it, but we'll get into
that later, too!!

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