40- forgive and forget

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Your POV

I knocked on Finns door and waited for him to answer. I know he's home because millie told me. I waited for a while and knocked on the door till he answered.

I looked at him shocked not really thinking he was going to answer. I didn't know what to say.

"Can I-" I said before Finn cuts me off

"Come in"

I walked inside and he gestured showing I can sit down. We both sat down and I looked at the floor for a while.

"Well?" Finn said impatience.

I looked up at him. He looks mad.

"I'm sorry." I Said

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have posted it all over social media just grow up and go up to me face to face" Finn lashed at me "now people are going to assume things!"

He's right. I've been a dick.

"I didn't- I just- I was just hurt. I wasn't really thinking." I said looking down avoiding eye contact.

"Whatever." Finn said rolling his eyes. "Just leave me alone."

Tears ran down my face. I've had a whole thing to say but there was no point.

I started walking to the front door till I have the urge to say what I wanted to say. Millie was right. Go after him. He'll be gone soon.

"Before," I started "before I leave. Before I leave you forever I want to say something. then I promise I'll leave you alone. I did like you. And those feelings haven't changed. If I didn't assume things we wouldn't be here, we could've been dating by now. And my mom always taught me to give people second chances and I guess I haven't gave you a second chance. And you're right. I shouldn't have posted it on social media. I should've said it to your face. I'm just afraid. I don't know why. But when I'm with you I was happy I felt loved. Millie told me to go after you. And that's why I'm here, to go after you. But obviously we both didn't give each other second chances. I'm not saying you should. But I hope you have a good time for the rest of your stay here. I don't want to make your life miserable as it is. I feel terrible making you feel this way. Especially when you have a job to do. Hopefully one day, maybe in the future, maybe tomorrow, or next week, or.... now, we can start over. I'm willing to start over, if you want to." I paused and waiting for an answer. He just had the same straight face. I nodded and left.

I walked outside into the cloudy sky and rain started pouring out. 

"You shouldn't be out here in the rain." A familiar voice "Stay inside." 

I turned around to see Finn. 

He had is hand out smiling. I ran up to him and hugged him. He whispered in my ear "I'm sorry"

We both went inside and he brought me a blanket, we both sat down on his couch. It was awkward till he started to talk, "I want to start over." I turned at him "Okay," I smiled "Oh my gosh. is that Finn Wolfhard! The Finn Wolfhard! Who plays in Stranger Things and It! I'm freaking out! Can I take a picture!" 

We both laughed "No," He said laughing really hard "Like normal." 

"Oh," I said "Could've said so." 

We talked for a while talking about what happened to us while the whole ignoring each other happened.

"You know," Started Finn "I'm leaving next week, back home." He looked down. 

"Don't worry, we will always be friends. Distance doesn't matter." I said 

Finn looked at me "You know Y/N, I want to be more than friends." Finn paused, "I know what I said about Millie, but the truth is I said that because I wanted to hide my true feelings towards you. I don't know. Its stupid" 

"No," I quickly said, "It's not stupid" I grabbed his face to make eye contact with him. "It happens to everyone, It happened to me" 

Finn looked at me and smashed his lips into mine. 

We may or may not had a make out session. 

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