64- Please read- not story update

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Alright so I know I haven't been writing much and I know some of y'all don't care but I just want to write an explanation why I haven't been posting much. I'm doing this to relieve stress off of me because idk....

Anyways so I have been writing everyday and I'm trying to finish the talent show parts and we are getting close to an end but like I'm having real hard time to come up with ideas for this story.

No! This does not mean I'm gonna end the story. If I'm going to end it I'm gonna make a good ass ending.

Because I'm having hard time coming up with ideas, I've been taking a few days off with writing to recoup and think things through and find some good ideas.

Spring break is coming up so hopefully I'll have some good ideas and I'll be back to writing.

Also I'm going on a trip to Iceland soon for a week so that's a week of no writing or coming up with ideas. So I've been trying to cram in a weeks worth on ideas so I can post all of them before I leave.

Another reason why I haven't been posting is because I have a life. Shocker. I know. I have a lot of stuff going on and it's hard to cram in time to write a story.

I hope you understand but don't worry I'm not ending the story or anything! The story is just getting started!

If you guys have any ideas about the future of the story write them down! I'll be glad to take that in and to have more ideas! (No you cannot say you and Finn get together! That's a plan later on in the story... maybe.)

One last thing: I try not to do much of these types of updates through my story because I honestly hate seeing story's with 10 updates about this that is not related to the story. But I do them when I honestly feel bad. Thanks for understanding! I'll be writing more this weekend! Hopefully publish something on Sunday?

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