30- dinner

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Your POV

Finn arrived to my house I opened the door for him and I introduced him to my family, only my mom and dad. My little sister will be coming and oh boy. She's a huge stranger things fan. And has a major crush on Finn (note your little sister is 7).

Finn offered my mom for help but she politely declined and whispered to me "he's a keeper" and she winked at me. I brushed off the comment and walked over to Finn.

"My family is a little crazy." I said laughing.

"You and me both." Said Finn.

"Also my little sister loves stranger things and you," I paused "and she doesn't know you are coming over."

"OH MY GOD! FINN" my little sister yelled and ran up and hugged Finn.

Finn laughed and hugged her back.

I helped Finn get out of that hug because my little sister won't let go.

"Abi! Give Finn space!" I yelled.

"Abi let go of the young man." Said my dad.

My little sister let go and smiled widely at Finn.

"Anyways," I said "I'll give you a grand tour around this amazing quote on quote mansion!"

Finn laughed and I showed him the bathroom and the living room and showed him upstairs because why not and I showed him my room and my little sisters room.

"You have a nice house" Said Finn

"Thanks." I replied.

"Dinner is ready!" My mom yelled.

We ran downstairs and went to the dinning room.

We all sat down: (for anyone who likes to know.

               ME FINN
MOM                         DAD

"So how did you guys met?" My dad asked curious knowing I know what he's up to.

"Dad." I said annoyed.

"What? If you're going to bring a friend over especially a boy I need to know." My dad replied

I rolled my eyes. "Though social media" I said

My dad had a concerned face.

"He's famous dad." I said trying to not make it look like I make friends on social media.

"Yah dad! He plays that one character you hate on stranger things!" My sister said.

"You play mike wheeler?" Asked my dad.

"Yes sir, and I play in the movie IT" Said Finn.

"Well I do love horror movies. Unlike Y/N." My dad said "she hasn't seen the movie IT"

"What? You haven't watched it?" Finn said hurt.

"I don't like horror movies. But I did watch it. I was just closing my eyes most of it." I said.

"When we have a movie night with everyone we are going to watch It. And your eyes will be open!" Said Finn.

I'd like the idea of the movie just not watching it. Ugh how I hate scary movies. I've watched it once. Liked it. But never watching another scary movie again.

We talked more about random stuff mostly my dad asking questions about him which I knew were obvious to see if he's a loyal person like if he smokes. Luckily Finn is a nice person and my dad seems to likes him too.

After dinner we put up our dishes and me and Finn walked out because Finns mom was about to pick him up.

"Sooo" I said and looked at Finn.

"Your mom is an amazing cook," He said "you should invite me more often." Winking


I laughed and my face started turning red. I tried to change the conversation to save me from embarrassment.

"You like my dad?" I asked

"Seems chill." Finn replied

"Right." I Said quietly.

We stared at each other and I think Finn was leaning in. FOR A KISS????? OMGOMGOMG THIS IS MY FIRST KISS. I has a confused look and he put his hand up and he put his hand on my face and his thumb touches my lip and he wiped my lip.

"Sorry," He said "you have food on your face."

I laughed "haha thanks. I thought you were about to kiss me. I was getting scared."

"Why would you be scared?" He asked with a hurt face.

"I don't know I never had my first kiss and I just ate so my breath probably smells and it's reeealllyy cold out here." I said quickly.

Finn laughed and his mom pulled up in the driveway.

"Well I better go." Said Finn. "Bye. Stay warm!"

I waved goodbye. Finn looked at me one more time and left.

Oh what a night.

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