The Dream

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After This eventful evening all I wanted to do was sleep the night away. We decided to order some pizza, I excused myself after I was done and crashed immediately into bed. I was in such a deep sleep I didn't even notice when Kat crawled into bed.

 You notice Kat is still sound asleep, You feel bad looking at her she didn't deserve going through this. You get up change into your outfit. you grab some baggy clothed you make your way down the hallway trying not to wake Kat.

You check the time "shit Kat is going to be late for work im going to have to wake her up" you slowly open the door and whsiper her name till she gets up.

"What do you want y/n?" Kat says still half asleep and groogy.

"You have to get to work Kat, you are going to be late"

"What time is it?

"It"s 10:-"


She scrambles to find her uniform and runs into the bathroom. You decide to leave her alone to not stress her out more than she already is. You make your way down the hallway and get to have a good look around. You didn't at first notice framed photos of all of them going all the way down the corridor. You see how genuine Matt's smile looks, which brings a smile to your face.


First person you see is Tord. Great way to start the morning, especially after that awkward predicament you guys were in yesterday. But he looks tired so you take this as an opportunity to make fun of him.

"Holy shit you've see better days what happened to you?" You say in a mocking tone.

"Y/N don't start this shit with me Im way too tired to stop myself from being a dick to you."

"What is that supposed to scare me? I think you might have to take your own leassons."

"Whatever, I can't wait for ya'll to get the fuck out of here so i can finally get a good sleep." Tord says walking away.

"Hold up" You say while grabbing his arm, you can't help but feel his muscles, "Who's room are we sleeping in?"

"Mine of course, you think I choose to sleep on the couch that barley fits one person, yes it's my room you fucking idiot. Now can i please head to my room."

"Not really Kat is still changing" You say this still holding his arm, you can't seem to let go.

"Well shit that gives me more of a reason to go in" He proceeds to take on step and suddenly Kat comes out flying cursing under her breath.

"Shit i missed the bus, I'm so going to get fired UGHH"

"Hey Kat right? I can take you to work I'm going to the shop either way so I can drop you off if you'd like." Edd says holding his car keys.

"Please I'd love that thank you so much" They both head out the door and leave you and Tord alone.

"So when do you plan on letting me go or are you already in love with me" He says while putting his face closer to yours. You can't help but notice the overwhelming tension in the air. 

"What is going on" You say to yourself, normally you're the type of person to flirt back but you're completly out of words.

"I'll take silence  as a yes." He then starts to walk away proud of himself.

 Did he actually win against your stubbornness. You decide to mess with him your whole stay to prove that your indeed the winner in this fight.


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