The Bad Guy

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TW: mentions of self harm

I don't know when I woke up, I was guessing it was night time because of the lack of light coming in through the window. For all I know I could have slept anywhere between an hour and a few days. I heard knocking at the door. "Hey kiddo, it's Patton. Are you alright in there?" I stood, grabbing my hoodie and putting my razor back in the drawer before opening the door to answer him. "Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" He looked around nervously. "No one has seen you for a long time, we were starting to get really worried about you."

I started to shut the door "yeah right" Patton reached forward and put his hand in the way "their really sorry about what they said. They wanted to apologise" I sighed and opened the door. "Alright" He smiled and walked downstairs to the kitchen with me following close behind him. Logan was sitting at the table reading a book with different types of plants on the cover, Roman was sitting at the table across from him scrolling through his phone and humming Candy Store quietly. I took a seat uncomfortably at one side of the table just as Patton came back with a plate of pancakes for everyone. Logan and Roman looked up from what they were doing an finally noticed me, but they didn't seem that happy to see me. Then again, no one really is. They both shot me cold glares before they started eating the pancakes.

Patton cleared his throat and Logan finally spoke "it appears Patton feels it fit that Roman and I apologize for our "rude" actions the other day and though I do not understand what I did wrong, I am sorry." I can't believe Patton actually told them to apologize to me. He looked over to Roman who had gone back to scrolling through his phone. "Roman?" he said expectantly. "I'm not saying sorry to him" he said without looking away from his phone.

"Roman-" Patton raised his voice slightly. Never a good sign. I stood and pushed in my chair, best to leave before it gets worse. "It's alright Pat, he doesn't have to. Besides, they were right." I patted him on the shoulder and headed back to my room. I could hear him call me a couple times before Logan told him to stop and to let me go. I don't understand why Patton keeps trying so hard. The others have made it perfrectly clear they will never accept me as part of the group, especialy Roman. For a while there, it actually seemed like he might have started to tolerate me, but I guess not.

I opened my bedroom door and stepped inside, making sure I locked it behind me. I know I'm anxiety and sometimes that conflicts with the others, but it's not like it's something I can control. I only aim to help Thomas, I thought I explained that fairly well, but no matter what I do, I'm always the bad guy...

Hi guys! Sorry that it took me so long to update and that this chapter is so short, I've been helping my friend  with her new story. I can't tell you much (cause I want y'all to read it for yourselves) but basically, it's a werewolf apocolypse type story based on a dream she had recently, and believe me, it's amazing. The dream takes place over the course of 5 years (don't even ask me how she remembers all that). So yeah! Make sure to follow her and I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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