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Roman didn't come back after that. He didn't look at me or speak to me anymore, not even to make fun of me or tell me he didn't like me, he just looked down and went quiet. I knew that he probably gave up, but it still hurt that he didn't even try one more time.​ You pushed him away ​a voice in the back of my head growled.​ You did this because you got all paranoid and chose not to believe him. Now he's given up and you've just proven you're hopeless.

Today is the day Thomas is supposed to start taking anxiety medication. I decided it was best to just stay in my room today with the door locked. I don't know what what's going to happen and if it's bad, I don't want to worry anyone. A quiet thought krept into my head that they didn't care enough to be worried but I pushed it aside. It doesn't matter wether or not they're worried about me, this is something that will benifit everyone.

I heard a loud knocking sound at my door. Why are they bothering me? I thought I made it clear I wanted to be left alone. Then I heard a familiar voice on the other side of the door. "Virgil? I heard about what happened, please don't let me in" great. Just fucking great. I grumbled quietly to myself and opened the door. "What do you want Janus?" He looked slightly hurt by the tone of my voice and I instantly felt bad. "Sorry, come in." I stepped asside and let him in and he thanked me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Janus frowned, "I didn't hear about Thomas starting anxiety medication. Are you sure this is a good idea?" I shook my head. Janus was one of the only people I can be fully honest with, which is really ironic. "No I'm not sure, but I'm sick of hurting the others. If this works then I wont be causing trouble for the others anymore." He sighed and ajusted his hat, knowing I wasnt changing my mind "don't be careful, okay?" I nodded and he turned back to the door and left. I closed the door behind him and locked it, then sat down on my bed, wrapping myself up in a blanket. It was colder than usual in my room, not that I was complaining. I liked to keep my room colder because I like to wrap myself up in blankets and its more comforable that way. (Author: it was 30 degrees farenheit this morning and it was fucking amazing, I love the cold) It would probably be a while before the medication kicked in so I decided to listen to some music and try to take a nap. I selected a playlist on my phone and layed down, scrolling through Tumblr until I eventually fell asleep.

AN: Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since I've updated, I'm sorry about that! I've kinda been in a bad place mentally for a while and wasn't really satisfied with anything I wrote but I'm slowly getting back on track and it feels so good to update this, especcialy since so many people have been reading it! I never in my life imagined I would be getting so many reads, votes and comments on anything I wrote and ya'll have no clue how much this means to me! I originally wasn't going to include the dark sides in this but I think it was a good decission to add them in (Remus and Janus will both be in this a lot more later on) and hopefully you guys think so too. I have to say an obligitory warning
however because of the route I'm going with the Anxiety pills that if you do have sever anxiety and need to take medication for it, please do. While I will be making it have a negative effect for this story, anxiety medication is helpful to many people and is in no way evil. I will be adding that warning to the discription of the story as well.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

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