Hot pizza rolls

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS UPDATE: Nagging me about updating doesn't make me be able to write faster ao please stop it. I already said that updates will be irregular because I'm very busy with school and some of you have been extremely rude about it. Bothering a writer about updates puts a lot of pressure on them and if they try to get updates out faster, the quality of the writing goes down because y'all are more worried about the amount of updates than how good the writing is. Some of you aren't even commenting on anything recent asking for updates??? It's annoying, please stop.

Another important thing to know because otherwise this chapter will make no sense: they live in a house in the imagination. Trust me, it'll make sense later.

After I finished eating, I put the bowl on my bedside table, I'd bring it out to be washed later, and brushed my teeth before going back to sleep, feeling a bit sick from eating so much.

In my dream, I was a kid again. I was playing with the other "dark sides" while the lights and Thomas played on some playground equipment a little ways away. I saw Roman, standing on the top by the slide wearing a golden paper crown and holding a plastic sword. He smiled and laughed with Patton and Thomas, and although he seemed worried about the two falling off and getting hurt, Logan smiled too. They looked like they were having so much fun.

Something hit me in the arm and I turned back to my friends. Janus had thrown the ball to me, frowning when I didn't catch it. Remus glared at me, then at his brother who was too busy conquering an imaginary kingdom to notice. "I'm sorry!" I said quickly and ran to retrieve the ball but when I came back, Janus looked sad and Remus was glaring at me. "I'm sorry!" I said again. "I just got distracted, I promise I'll pay better attention" but Remus shook his head. "You never wanna play with us anymore, Virgil" he said and turned his attention to Roman, Patton, Logan and Thomas. "I do!" I assured them "I just wanna play with the others too." This made Remus angry. I didn't know at the time, but he had always been jealous of Roman. Roman was always loved by everyone while Remus was pushed off to the side, Thomas didn't even know that he existed. "Then go play with them!" he snapped at me. Roman turned his head towards us, surprised by Remus yelling and Remus stormed off with Janus following behind him. Even though this was a long time ago, it was still embarrassing. Roman kind of just kept staring at me until I walked away.

A black ink looking liquid started to flood the park and everything faded into darkness. I couldn't breathe or see at all. I started grasping at the darkness in front of me, desperately trying to find anything to hold onto without success. My air was running out fast, I didn't think I could hold my breath much longer. Suddenly I could breathe again and began to fall. Just as I thought I was reaching the ground, I bolted upright in my bed, breathing heavily.

I checked the time, it was about 2:00 pm when I woke up. My stomach still hurt a bit but it wasn't as bad as it was before I went to bed. The others sounded like they were downstairs laughing about something, though I couldn't hear what. I opened the blinds and was nearly blinded. Everything was covered in a thick blanket of fluffy white snow. I stretched and got up, slowly making my way downstairs and into the living room. Patton immediately noticed me and waved me over. "Did you see all that snow?" He asked excitedly. I smiled and nodded. We're going out to play in it soon, you can come with us if you want" he offered. I looked over at Roman and Logan. Logan was checking to make sure there were enough gloves and jackets and Roman was looking at me expectantly. I looked out the sliding glass door at the snow. It's really pretty outside and it sounds like fun. I nodded. "Sure" I said casually. "Let me go get ready." Roman and patton both smiled with relief like they had been worried I'd decline. I headed back upstairs and put on another layer of clothes just to be warm enough along with black snow pants, a purple winter jacket, a beanie, and some gloves. I felt like a fucking marshmallow but Patton isnisted it was necessary.

Roman actually looked like a marshmallow though. He was wearing the poofiest white jacket I had ever seen and I'm sure if someone had pushed him, he would have fallen and been unable to stand up again. He looked kind of cute wading out into the snow like a little kid. I shook away the thought and reached down, grabbing a handful of snow and lightly backing it into a ball before throwing it at Roman.

He froze for a second before slowly smiling and grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it in my direction. It hit the side of the house and stuck there. Soon the four of us were all throwing snowballs at each other and laughing. We ended up building a few snowmen and the yard was covered in snow angels. By the time we went inside, we were all numb from the cold and tired. We changed from our snow clothes into sweats that Patton had put in the dryer for us and sat down on the couch to watch some movies. "Does anyone want hot cocoa?" I asked. The three of them nodded and thanked me so I stood up and walked into the kitchen, pouring five glasses of milk and putting them in the microwave one at a time.

About halfway through making them, Roman walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer, taking out the box of pizza rolls and lining them up on a tray to cook them. He put them in the oven and sat down at the table to wait. He was quiet for a minute before speaking. "Thanks for hanging out with us" he said softly and smiled gently. I smiled back and nodded. "It was a lot of fun. I was kinda surprised you wanted me to though" I admitted. He frowned. "I really am sorry, I never meant to make you feel unwanted or-" "Hey." I cut him off. "It's alright. Sorry for being a dick the last time."

He looked like he was going to say something but just as he opened his mouth, the oven beeped and the pizza rolls were done. I grabbed an oven mitt and handed it to him so he could take them out of the oven and finished making the hot cocoa. We brought the snacks back out to the living room. I grabbed one of the cups of hot cocoa and started walking upstairs. "Where are you going?" Roman asked "the movie's about to start" I kept walking up the stairs "Start without me, I'll be back down in a sec" Logan nodded and pushed play on the movie.

When I got upstairs I knocked on the door next to mine. "Janus?" The door opened and Janus smiled. "I made you some hot chocolate" I said and offered him the cup. He took it and thanked me. "You wanna come downstairs and watch movies with us?" I asked but he shook his head. "Alright" I said hesitantly. I heard Roman yelp in pain from the living room and I ran downstairs. "Are you okay?!"

Roman nodded. He was holding a plate of hot pizza rolls, it didn't take much to figure out he tried to eat them while they were still too hot. I sighed and sat down next to him. "You should've waited" I laughed and he pouted. "But I'm hungryyyy" he whined which made me laugh more. I shoved him and told him to quit complaining and we finished the movie in mostly silence apart from the occasional joke or laughing.

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