Chapter One

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MILEY Gilbert walked out of Charlies squad car and up the stairs to the old familiar beat up white house she faintly remembered

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MILEY Gilbert walked out of Charlies squad car and up the stairs to the old familiar beat up white house she faintly remembered. She came to Forks Washington to get a fresh start because........ her twin brother Jeremy had died. Being a vampire she would outlive a lot of people in her life but- that didn't make the pain lessen. In fact she hated having to watch the people around her aging and moving on with their lives as she was just- stuck. Stuck as the same 17 year old she was months ago when she had been changed. She decided to move in with her uncle since it was far enough away to not have to deal with Kathrine, or Silas, or really anything supernatural. And to finally escape the town that yes she had been raised in..... but was now cursed. Death seemed to be the only consistent thing in Mystic Falls. It also just to spend time with her human side of the family while she still could hide the fact she wasn't aging, at some point she'd have to go off the radar or fake her death.

Miley had to wait for Charlie to invite her in he says, "Come on in and make yourself at home." Miley walks into the door which leads to the living room and nothing had changed since she was ten years old. Charlie leads her upstairs to her new somewhat permanent bedroom, at least until she went off to college or- decided it was time to travel the world. The walls were a sage green and the comforter was a simple black and white floral design. "I know its small, but...." Charlie said helplessly. "No its fine I like it, Thanks" She said smiling while throwing her red duffel bag on the bed. "No problem tell me if you need anything" he said with a serious tone. Miley shook her head, "I will thanks uncle Charlie" She said chuckling and smiling genuinely.

He leaves and Miley slowly starts to unpack all her stuff. She slowly pulls out a picture of Jeremy, Elena and herself and sets it on her dresser next to her bed. Miley stares at it as she continues to unpack everything. A few minutes later she can hear something with her heightened vampire hearing. Someone is in Bellas room.........two people. Miley begins listening in on the voices, one is Bella and a boy by the name Edward. Their talking about Miley so she listens in on them intensely. Now knowing why her cousin hadn't even bothered to come greet her as she arrived. She had just thought it was due to her social anxiety but it was because she had a boy in her room.

"I cant read her thoughts. Just like how I cant hear yours" Edward says slightly annoyed. Miley feels herself scrunching up her nose in confusion but kept listening. "So she's like me?" Bella asked in a voice that was confused. "Yes, it seems certain people in the swan family hold" he said bitterly before chuckling dryly. "Well I better go then." She said in a weird voice.

"Where?" Edward asked obviously uncertain after hearing her tone of voice as well. "I'm showing Miley around" she says trying to make herself sound normal. Miley listens to her older cousins heart beat and could tell that she was lieing.

"Ok but just promise me you two wont go to La Push .....Its not safe" he practically whines making Miley scoff at how pathetic he sounded. "I promise I'm just gonna take her to Port Angeles to watch the new zombie movie." Bella said nonchalantly. "Well- have fun. I will see you later tonight, I love you" he said clearly uneasy but leaving anyways. "I love you too, I will leave the window unlocked." Bella said before kissing him lightly.

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