Chapter 10

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Miley p/v

          As we get into the boarding house I start walking up the stairs to mine and Damon's room when I hear someone clear their throat. I slowly turn to see Damon smirking at me.

Damon: wouldn't you like to talk to your friends
Miley: I'll pass maybe next time. Come to bed when your done talking to........the mutts.

I can see Jacob physically shaking about me telling damon to join me in bed later. But Damon hasnt tried anything like that since I turned my humanity off. I've tried but he says he doesn't want to take advantage of me like this. I go up stairs and change into pajamas I listen into what they say as I lay in bed.

Damon: So please inform us why we are so .......honored to be in your presence.
Jacob: Miley and into a fight back home.
Damon: (snarky) this is her home
Jacob: ............ I love her and I hurt her........ She needs to know I'm sorry and that I would take it back
Damon: now listen and listen closely I've loved Miley since I first met her. Back when she was a frail human. I have always done what's best for her. So if I so much as hear you say a foul thing to her, for as long as you are here. I will snap your neck like a toothpick and I won't think twice about it do you understand me.
Jacob: ......yes.
Seth: so is she okay?
Damon: Far from it. Her brother is dead, her sister has her humanity off. But now I'm  guessing .......jacob was it? That your the reason that Miley turned off hers too.
Paul: um what does that mean .....turn off her humanity?
Damon: when a vampire doesn't want to feel any sad or grief or really any emotion, they turn it off. Because when your a vampire everything is heightened. A crush becomes love, anger becomes murderous, and sadness becomes full on despair. The sadness is the worst, it phsycally hurts you.
Jacob: I caused her that didn't I
Damon: yeah you did, if I were you I'd watch your back.
Sorry its short but next its the confrontation

Heal (Twilight/Vampire Diaries) X Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now