Severus's (first) Mistake

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First only- Harry Potter fanfic! Sorry for typos and OOCS, I don't own the series. (obviously)

Takes place in sixth year.

Lily's POV

Severus and I were fighting. Again.

It was the third time this week. He'd cornered me after lunch, before my free period. He came trying to apologize for calling me, well, a mudblood, but forgiveness was not on my agenda.

When I didn't accept his apology, our 'friendly' little conversation quickly deteriorated into this: a shouting match.

The next thing I knew, his fist made contact with my face.

His face went from anger, to utter shock. He looked from me, to his fist, and back to me. "Lily—" he stuttered. "Lily, I—I—"

I felt my nostrils flare, and I whipped my wand out of my robes and slashed it through the air, putting the tip right in front of his crooked nose. I blinked back a few tears threatening to fall.

"Get away from me." I raised my voice, "now."

"Lils, I—I'm sor—"

I waved my wand, shooting a non-verbal spell. He flew backward and hit the wall. That's gonna leave a mark.

"It's Evans." I snapped, casting kiintäen to keep him from following me, and stormed towards the Gryffindor tower.

The longer I walked, the more I thought about what had happened, which only made me angrier. "Wormwood," I snapped at the portrait leading to the common room.

"Tsk, tsk, someone's in a bad mood," she chided as swung open.

 I crawled through quickly as possible, and dashed through the room to my dorm. Luckily, there weren't many people to see me pass. I threw my bag onto my bed and dashed toward the mirror, gingerly touching the bruise that was already forming. Of all places, he had to hit me in the eye? Did you know you can break your iris? I know, it's disgusting.

Cursing under my breath, I cast a quick leniens to ease the pain. I decided not to heal it— why should I cover up what he'd done? I didn't care who saw it, and I certainly wasn't going to let him pretend it'd never happened.

I sighed and threw open my trunk, digging through the normally neat piles of books until I found the one I wanted. I stomped down the steps of the dormitory, back into the common room. The dorm was just too quiet; it was unnerving. I ignored the looks I got from the few others in the room.

I settled into my favorite armchair in front of the fire. I had only read the first chapter when four figures burst into the common room, chattering loudly. None other than the four 'marauders', as they called themselves, had settled down into the couches set slightly diagonal to the chair I was in. I kept reading.

I noticed their talking was slowly dying down. "Lily?" I heard Potter mutter.

They had noticed.

Let me explain. James Potter and Sirius Black are insufferable idiots. Potter is completely intent on winning me over, claiming he's in love, and Black supports him unconditionally. Peter Pettigrew, the third one, is okay. Kind of weird though— Remus Lupin is the only tolerable one of the group. He's not a troublemaker, he's smart and loves reading like me, and he's a prefect. We've been friends since last year, when we both became prefects, and we're even on a first-name-basis.

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