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This was supposed to be a one-shot.

Sorry for typos/oocs/plot holes. I don't own Harry Potter

Lily's POV

I woke up, stretching luxuriously, and I looked to my right, towards my muggle calendar. Shoot, it was already December twenty-second? I hadn't gotten James anything yet! Or Remus, Sirius and Peter!

I mentally slapped myself, and quickly fit dressed. I was actually the only 6th year girl staying over for winter break, believe it or not.

Before I went down into the common room, to avoid further procrastination, I smoothed out a piece of parchment on my nightstand and started a list of what to get my new friends for Christmas.

Peter was obvious, you just got him food and he'd be happy. Sirius, anything dog related. Hm, maybe I should tell them I know about their animagus forms. Remus, probably a book. But what about James? His friends would probably be getting him quiddich stuff, so what about me? What do you get your nearly brand-new boyfriend after hating him for six years?

Scribbling down my ideas, I thought to myself that I'd think about it throughout the day, and I promptly left for the common room.

Considering it was already ten in the morning, the three remaining marauders were lounging in the common room, talking.

"Well, the sleeper awakes." James teased me.

"Actually," I said, matter-of-factly, "I've been up for half an hour longer than you think."

"What were you doing for thirty minutes?" Sirius asked.

I shrugged. "Getting dressed, Christmas plans."

He rolled his eyes. "Of course you would plan that. I normally end up getting my presents last minute." Sirius replied, as of this was a good thing.

"Wow, Padfoot. I love you too." James said sarcastically.

Sirius put a hand over his heart, whole Remus watched, amused. "I knew you felt the same way!" He yelled dramatically. "I love you too!"

"I always knew you were gay." I said, more to myself than anything else.

Sirius froze and looked at me incredulously. James and Remus started turning red from trying not to laugh. Sirius's face turned red from embarrassment. "I," he started, and gulped. "Am- am not ga-ay."

His voice cracked, which was too much. Remus and James burst into laughter, and I chuckled.

"Lily! Did you plan this?" Sirius demanded.

I shook my head, still laughing. "It kind of slipped out. Your face though- it was priceless."

He harrumphed, and decided to change the subject. "Uh, lets go get breakfast!"

"You haven't had breakfast yet?"

"Don't let him fool you." Remus rolled his eyes. "We've all had breakfast except for you, Lily."

Despite what Remus had just said, Sirius's stomach let out a loud growl. All three of us turned and stared at him, making him put his hands up in surrender.

"Hey," he said. "I'm hungry." He paused, then continued, "lets go eat again!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up with the others and followed them out of the portrait hole.

"What are we going to do today?" Sirius asked in an unusually perky voice.

"I thought you didn't like plans." I said.

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