The Dance

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Lily's POV (it's finally going to change!)

It was the first day back after winter break, and the school was sitting at the four house tables for the first time that year.

Naturally, as soon as the term started, the entire school knew about James and I. I suspect Sirius was behind it, and he probably is.

I was sitting in the usual spot, about ten chairs from the front. Not only was Marlene with me, and Alice, my other best friend, but so were all four marauders, stuffing their faces as usual.

Dumbledore stood, somehow causing the deafening noise all around the great hall to disappear.

He cleared his throat, and began his usual speech about the start of the new year.

"Now, in light of recent events, with Voldemort on the rise," He continued, "Despite that your holiday break has just ended, the staff and I have decided... To hold a ball."

Judging by the other professor's expressions, only Slughorn was happy about this, and it was all Dumbledore's idea.

Whispers erupted around the hall- some disbelieving, others excited.

"Are they serious?" I gasped, facing James, and held up a hand to my left. "Don't even go there, Sirius. I know what your name is."

I glanced back as he visibly pouted into his plate and returned to his food.

As Dumbledore went over the finer details, I half whispered to James, "So they really are holding a ball!"

James watched me in amusement, and I flicked his shoulder. "Don't look at me like that! I'm allowed to be a girl, you know." He chuckled, and I looked down at the table, then up at him. "Who do you think I should go with?" I asked, putting on an innocently thoughtful face.

James stared at me in disbelief, and our friends began to listen in on the conversation. "Me!" His voice cracked adorably. "You're supposed to go with me!"

I stroked my chin, pretending to be thinking. "Well, there is that one Ravenclaw boy..." I said, and I watched as James's face visibly hardened.

"Oh Merlin, Lily, you should so go with him." Marlene piped up, playing along.

I shrugged, and turned to her. "Yeah, but what about the other Ravenclaw? With blonde hair?"

Marlene clucked her tongue. "Tough choices."

"Yeah." Alice agreed. "I heard there are a few Hufflepuff boys who have an eye on you." She winked.

I nodded thoughtfully. "Decisions, decisions." Finally I laughed, at the look of malice across James's face. "Of course I'll go with you."

"Lily," he whined, as our friends howled with laughter, "Don't do that to me."

I shoved his shoulder. "Sorry, James. But you bring it on yourself."


James POV

The night of the ball had come, and I was nervous, as always. Lily was getting ready with her friends in her dorm, and surprisingly, only Sirius had a date, after turning down quite a few, and so had Remus.

I flapped my hands a bit, pacing the room. I was wearing dress robes, of course, but I wasn't sure which color. Dark blue or red? Which did she like better? Why didn't I ask what color her dress was?

Don't look at me like that. It's perfectly normal for someone to stress about things like this.

"Oh, calm down." A female voice spoke from the doorway. I spun quickly, worried I had somehow spoken out loud.

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