For Enemies

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"Hey, guys. my mom is awesome and let me stay home because I've been sick for the past six days. Im also home alone, so im sitting down at the computer writing this completely from scratch."
-Authors note from last valentines day, when I wrote this chapter

Sorrey it took me so long to post this, I was basically just too lazy to actually upload it.

Lily's POV

I sat next to James, in a secluded area of the castle grounds. We were sitting on the ground, despite the fact that it was the last day before winter break and it was, like, 12 degrees. It was later in the evening, but before curfew. We had just gotten back from Hogsmeade, and Merlin, a lot had happened.

It started when James told his friends he wasn't going to Hogsmeade. I was confused as to why, but he explained he didn't want his friends interfering on our date. What have I gotten myself into? I thought.

Turns out, he planned to keep the entire thing a secret, for now. I was happy about that, so I could avoid the "I knew it!" and the "I told you so!"s at least for a little while.

We started by going to honeydukes and trying all the weird types of sweets, (something I never get tired of doing) and after a close call with getting caught, we went to the less crowded areas of the town, got butterbeer at The Hogs Head and just walked around, dodging behind buildings when we saw a Hogwarts student or teacher.

It was fun.

If you had told me just a day ago that I would agree to go out with James Potter, I would have laughed and probably hexed you. But now, I was actually willingly sitting next to him, after going on a date with him. Merlin.

"We should go." James's voice broke the comfortable silence. I looked at the my watch, and saw we only had ten minutes until curfew. Oops.

"Yeah." I said, and stood up with him. One last look at the reddening sky, and we were walking.

I felt James's hand brush against mine as we were walking, and smiled inwardly at how cautious he was being.

"When should we tell them?" He asked suddenly.

"Tell who what?" I responded.

"My friends... Uh," he started gesturing wildly to the space in between us. "This."

"And what is 'this?'" I teased.

"I don't know!"

"But what to you want it to be?" I smiled cheekily.

"Something more than friends." I heard him mumble.

"James, you are so thick."


"I mean, after everything that's happened I'm not going to play that off as being just friends."

"So we can be more?" He asked hopefully.

I nodded. "Lets go, super best friend!"

"Lily! I want you to be my girlfriend!"

I laughed as we turned into Hogwarts. "Yes, yes, I will be, alright? Now, if you want we can tell them now. When we get back."

"Really?" He asked, surprised.

I shrugged. "Sure. As long is you promise that there won't be any announcements of any sort. I'm willing to do the unbreakable vow if you don't swear on it."

He rolled his eyes and made the Boy Scout sign with his right hand. How he knew it, being pureblood, I have no idea. "I solemnly swear that there will be no announcements about what ever I tell my friends regarding Lily I-dont-know-her-middle-name Evans."

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