Billie Joe's POV

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"So what I was thinking about," tre told me and mike. I completely zoned out. Board out of my mind, I wish that I could just have like a little mini me. Ofcourse if I did then I would have to stop the weed, cause if you get high around a mini you then your fucked. "Hey guys, I've got something for you." Danny told us as she pulled on her hand a bit. When she did a little girl walked in, well the girl wasn't little she was about 5'5-5'6. The weird thing was she looked a bit like me. "Awwwwwww you brought us a girl! How cute!" tre gushed. "How old are you, Sweetie?" I asked stupidly. "I'm 14 today." awwwww today's her birthday." Awww. What's your name?" I asked again. "CJ." what a cool name. Inasint but very rock and roll, I like it. "Where are you perents?" mike asked. Just then she went from smiling the worlds most adorable smile to looking down at the ground. Even though her hair was covering I could tell she was starting to cry. She reminded me of when people would ask about my dad about a month after he died. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm just gonna leave you guys alone." Danny said then left CJ alone by the door. "Come over here, CJ. Come on, come sit with Billie." I said hoping that will get her maybe to laugh or atleast get her to be happy she gets to sit by me, not to sound conceded or any thing but her eyes did get a little sparkle in them when I talked to her. When she didn't move, I got up and picked her up. Once I got over there though and once I picked her up I could hear her ragged breathing and I could tell that she was crying. I sat back down on the couch and I sat here on my lap. "What did the mean man say?" I said teasingly. "My perents." was all she said in a small small voice. "What happened to them?" I asked but quickly regretted it. She started to cry harder, I couldn't take it, it broke my heart. I rapped one of my arms around her and used the other to lay her head on my chest. She needed comfort and by the way she is crying I know she hasn't got any in a long time, the poor girl. I looked up at the guys, not knowing what to do. They just kind of nodded their heads, I guess I was doing this right. Then on que, CJ's crying had slowed to just a few sniffles here and there. "My perents died in a car crash when I was a month old. I was then put in an orphanage. I never really had perents." she told us. This poor kid, this made me see that she really isn't as tough as I thought she was when she walked into the room. She is just a small defenceless 14 year old girl. "Aww hunny." was all I could say. Gezz I sound like a perent comforting their kid after a really bad brake up. "normally I don't cry when people ask me that. I don't know what came over me I'm sorry." "No problem. But there is a problem I do have with right now." "What is it?" she was her voice saddened just a bit more the it was. ""Your eye liner is running. Let's go fix that. Shal we?" I asked trying to make her laugh. It worked. She giggled and nodded her head. I grabed her hand and led her to the little bathroom we had. "Wash your face." I told her, after all an artist can't work on a used canvas, now can they. "She dryed off her face and turned to face me. With out her make up she looked a cute and inasint, with her little round face. People could argue if we were related or not. I took my black eye liner out of my pocket and redid her make up. "Haha I look like a girl version of you." she pointed out. Oh good it's not just me who sees it. "Huh. You do. But somethings missing. Ah Ha!" i yelled then ran out of the bath room to get one of my red ties. After all she is wearing almost what I wear with it. I was just about to go back in when mike stopped me. "Hey bro. You do know that she could be your daughter or something." "Of corse she could be my daughter 'Or something' she could be any one daughter." I told him. "No, dude, I mean you guys could be related your so much alike. And you certently have been treating her like she was your daughter." "Dude stop putting things in my head." "I'm just saying bro." with that I walked back in the bathroom. "Here you go." I said as I handed to tie to CJ. She looked back up at me with those big green eyes of hers. "Um, Mr. Armstrong? I do t know how to tie a tie." Mr. Armstrong? Aww how cute. "First call me Billie. And 2 here." I said then took the tie out of her little hands, tied it the slipped it over her head. She fixed it so it looked good with her t-shirt then turned to me agin. "Thank you billie." she told me then gave me a hug. After all that we just hung out and got to know CJ better. Like how she is a godess on bass and guitar! And possiblly on drums but I think Tee didn't want to get shown up by a 14 year old girl like me and Mike. Also that she 'Scares' all the people who try and adopt her. "Hey you should go out to the crowd so you can see the show." mike told her. She nodded and said all of her good byes. "Hey you should hang out with us after the consert. Sound good?" I asked. She just gave me a bis ass smile and said "HELL YEAH!" and walked out. "Yo dude. You NEED to adopt her like now!" Tre said. "Goddanm it tre. I can't. I don't know if she want to and after all I'm not married so I dont even think I can, legally y'know." I told them. Ocorce I wanted to have CJ as my kid and look after her and give her the live I can tell she always wanted. But first I don't know if she would want to with me being able to go off on some big world tour and leave her at home, that just doesn't seem right. "Dude I can tell that all she wants is to be in a family, to be loved. Ok?" mike told me. "You and CJ are like a modern day Daddy Worbucks and Annie." tre added getting a weird 'what the fuck' face from me and mike. "I don't know guys. I just don't want to adopt her then dump her at home when we're doing stuff for the band. You know, recordings, signings, and tours. I want to have her as my daughter more then anything but with the band doing so well I just don't want to leave her alone all that time." the guys thought about it for a bit. "Then we'll take he with us. I mean, we herd her play, she can be a back up or y'know a random guest or something." mike said. " And she won't be alone, if your busy or something she'll have us. Or we could call up one of our friends like... My Chem! Yeah we can get them to hang out with her or something." Tre added. "And to see how she feels about living with us we can finish the tour with her coming along." mike continued "And at the end you can asked her if she would like it if you adopted her on stage." tre finished. Once again mike and I gave tre a weird look. "what? I can't do anything in this plan? I just wanted to add some pazazz." he added. I have to admit for a couple of shitheads, they did come up with a kick ass plan. "ok so when the consert is over. I will ask her if she wants to go on tour with us, and we'll see how it goes from there. Sound good?" they nodded their heads and we went out and played the one of the best shows we played. Every once in a while I would look over to where CJ was standing and saw her rocking out or singing along with every song we played. Once I even asked for her to come up on stage and she could pick any song and anything she wanted to play. She ended up being me for one of my favorite songs to play, Viva la gloria (Little girl) and she did wonderfully. When she got off the stage with the bigest smile I have seen, I just prayed that she would say yes to going on tour with us.

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