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I ran up to my room, grabed my suit case, and shoved it full of clothes, money, eleactronics, and other things of that nature. I also whent into the misic room and grabed my guitar. Yeah it's my guitar. I don't let anyone touch gerard, yes I named my guitar after Gerard Way from MCR. I also grabed my exra money I keep hidden, its my inheritance. Jake was the holder and once I turned 10 he gave it to me and told me to keep it down low. I sighed then laid down on my little bunk thing. I have grown up hear and now I'm leaving for 3 months. I smiled at the thought. The last few things I grabed were my art stuff, my 2 large drawing books, my 3 lyrics books, and finally my journal. I can't go to sleep with out writing in my journal. All my stuff was easily crammed and stuffed into one suitcase and a back pack. Just as I steped out I walked back in and took one more look at my room. "Later fucker!" I said then flipped it off. I made my way back to the guys who were waiting by the office. "Hey guys, I'm ready." "Great! Come on let's go!" tre said happily. He then pulled out his phone to call the people to pick them up. "WAIT! Do you think Jake can drive us back?" I asked, make that begged. Like I said before Jake is my only family, I need to say good bye before I go on the tour for 3 months. Green Day talked it over and to make a short story even shorter, Jake drove us back to the place where the bus was. Once we got there, the guys took my stuff to the bus and left me and Jake to say our good byes. "Stay cool ok kid?" he said jokingly. "Only if you don't get fired when Im gone." I joked back. Hake then pulled me into a tight hug. "Promise me you will stay safe and be good, Cristina Josphane." he said in my ear. "I promise." I said letting a few tears loose. Jake pulled back but nor before giving me a kiss on my head. "I'll miss you CJ." "Me too, Jake, me too." "CJ! We have to go!" I heard mike yell. "OK!" I yelled back then turned back to Jake and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I then ran off to the bus, wiping off the remanders of my tears, and just as I reached the door I turned to Jake and made a heart with my hands then hoped on the bus. "You gonna be okay?" Billie asked. I nodded my head. "He is just my only friend at the orphanage. I hate to leave him on that hell hole with out me." "He's a big boy. He can handle it." I nodded my head then rested it on Billie's shoulder. "Someone's sleepy." he chuckled. I only nodded my head. "Ok. Let me show you to your bunk." he said happily. He dragged, yes dragged, me to a group of bunks. One on the bottom, top, and middle and it repeated on the other side. "Take your pick." "Top." I said the started to climb my way up to my new bunk. I pulled the little certin shut and it was pitch black in my little space. I slowly fell into a deep sleep from the rocking of the bus and the soft per of the engine.


It dark and raining. Cold and wet. I didn't like it, and by the looks of it the little girl on the egde of the road didn't ethere. I went up to talk to her but when I tried nothing came out and as I walked me feet made no noise. I wasn't even wet the rain just seemed to pass though me. The little girl was crying and when I was up close I saw that she wasn't really little like I thought, she looked about... 14. Her hair was a familiar shape and color and when she lifted her head to scream at the sky, I saw here eyes. My eyes. That was me. I was shaking, well that me was shaking holding her knees to her chest, yelling, "Why do I even try?" just then the she jumped up and I saw what she was about to do. Out of nowhere, a big truck came speeding down the road and she ran infront of it. There was a sicking thud and the noise of bone cracking under the large heavy wheels as the care drove over her and continued without even stoping. The setting changed around me and then I was in a funeral home. There was a long, sleek, black coffin that was open at one end. I looked down and saw that I was in a black gown and and saw the end of the black veil covering my face. I took one step and my heals make a small claking noise. So if I talked people could hear me too, I guess. Not that many would hear, there were only 4 people there. I could tell who there where just by looking, Jake, Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre. I made my way over to the coffin only to see my mangled body and that the only person crying was Jake. Billie Joe was the first to speek. "She got what she deserved." he spat angrily. "She was depressed! She needed your help and you pushed her away! YOU DROVE HER TO THIS!!" Jake yelled the stormed out. "Serves her right suisidel freak." Tre spat like Billie Joe did. Mike though, showed no emotion accept one tear that feel down his cheek. "She will be missed." was all he said. With those words, I was some how transported onto the coffin. "Good bye, CJ." They all said with sadness dripping in their voices as the closed the coffin.

---------------------end of dream------------------

I woke up screaming, punched the roof above me, then fell out of my bunk. "CJ!" billie cryed then rushed to my side. I held my hand to my chest along with my leg, trying to ease the powerful pain. Tears flooded from my eyes ad onto Billie's night shirt since he had pulled me into his arms. "CJ. What's wrong?" "Nightmare. Awful nightmare. I punch the roof because I thought that I was in a coffin then I feel out of my bunk." I sobbed. Billie picked me up and carried me to the couch. He took a look at my hand first. "How hard did you punch?" he asked shocked to see my hand swollen and bleeding. "You would be saprised on how hard I can punch." he nodded then rapped up my hand gently and moved to my leg. He ended up making a splint to keep it from moving until we go to a doctor tomarrow. I laid down in the couch and fell asleep again.


sorry I haven't updated in a long time... Shut has been going on, school is... Well school, and honestly I'm am just to lasy. So don't count on updates every day. Try maybe once a month? That's my goul. Bye everybody, <3 CJ

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