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The concert was SOOO AWESOME!! I was constantly moving in some way or another. When they where done I saw Billie Joe motion for me to come back stage, as if he was reminding me. I nodded my head then went to find a way back there. I saw Danny again and called her over. "Hey! Excuse me! Miss!" I called eventually I got her atention. "Oh hey your the little girl from earlier right?" "Yeah I am. The guys said that they wanted me back stage after they're done playing." she nodded then helped me hop the little fence. She pointed me to the door and I nocked on it. "Sorry Busy! Come back later!" I herd Tre call out. "Fine. I'll just go back home." I yelled back the pretended to walk away. Suddenly the door swung open to see a very streased out looking Billie Joe. "Good God you scared the living shit out of me, girl!" he said then pulled me into a sweaty hug. I laughed as I walked into the room. "So did you like the show?" Tre asked. My face fell to a straight line. "No," I started and the guys looked like they fell 20 feet, "I LOVED IT!!!" I said with the biggest smile I have ever had. Just as fast as their egos fell did they rise another 500 feet. "I'm glad. We worked our asses off for you, you little fucker!" Billie said with a smile. We talked for a while like before. They would ask me what was my favorite part, what was my favorite song, shit like that. I looked at my phone and saw the time, 11:47. "HOLY SHIT!!! I NEED TO CALL JAKE!!" they all gave me a weird look. "I NEED TO GET BACK TO THE ORPHANGE!! IF IM NOT BACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT, I MAY NEVER BE ABLE GO TO ANOTHER CONCERT EVER!!!" I yelled still freaking out. The guys all gave eachother a little nod then Billie Joe finally spoke up. "Hey can we go with you? We need to ask a question to the person in charge." he asked. I raised my eye brow at the but agreed. "let me just see if Jake will be ok with it." I told them then took out my phone and dialed Jake's number.

(phone convo)


me: sorry Jake but when I first went backstage I totally hit it off with Green Day and they asked me to hang out after the concert. But can you still pick me up?

Jake: *sigh* yeah.

me: oh um Billie Joe, Mike Durnt, and Tre Cool want to come along. Can they? They said the need to ask a question


me: great! By Jake see you in a few.

(End of convo)

"He said 'HOLY SHIT! FUCK YEAH!" and I think made me deaf in one ear." I said getting luaghs from the guys. "come on we need to go out front and wait for Jake." I said. "Shit man! We arent aloud to leave without a gard!" mike said. "Who gives a fuck? We're going to an orphanage! It's not like we're gonna vist a prison." tre said. "well it sorda like one when you 14 and you aren't aloud out." I joked. We all walked out just in time for Jake to pull up. I got shot gun and the guys sat in the back with Mike and Billie Joe on the ends and Tre in the middle. "Yo Jake you ok?" I asked. He was as pale as a goust but I think it was just because Green Day was in his back seat. "Fine. Just. They. And. Me. And. Ahhhhhh." he said making us laugh. We made it back to the orphanage in 5 minutes. We all got out of the car and I showed them to Miss. Stanly's office.


CJ led us to a door that was much like a principal's door in school. I nocked on it lightly, "Come In." I woman's voice called. We opened the door to see a lady in her late 60s sitting at a desk filling through papers of children's names and ages. "Hello Ma'am. My name is Billie Joe Armstrong, and these are my best friends Mike Durnt and Tre Cool." "Lets skip the friendly chit chat. What do you want? It's late." she said angrily. I took a deep breath, trying to remember what I had planed out in my head, but the dirty look she was giving, not just me and the guys but CJ, was really starting to piss me the fuck off. "well if your gonna be rude so am I. I'm in a band, if CJ would like I'm taking her on tour with me. Got it bitch?" I said. Her mouth dropped and she looked at me with shock. "Well Mr. Armstrong, I don't see a problem with that. How long is the tour?" she said still being kind of bitchy. "We'll know when it's fucking done, bitch." I growled at her. This lady was such a bitch! No wander CJ calls this place hell. "Ok." she said then walked out. I then turned to CJ. "Well? Do you want to go?" I asked hopefully. "if your kidding then that is the worst joke ever. You dont just joke a fan with a fucked up life like me with something like that." she said not beleaving us. "CJ I'm not kidding. Do you wanna come with us on tour?" "OMG!!! FUCK YEAH!!" she yelled then hugged me. She the walked off, no, make that ran off to get packed. The guys gave me high fives and shit. I smiled so much it was starting to hurt. I can't belave it. I may have a daughter soon.

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