Remembering Kara/ Supergirl

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Barry POV:

"Barry come on, we've ugh we've got to get going to the funeral." Iris said
I shrugged her off
"Barry." Caitlin said
"She can't be dead. She can't be."
" I know it's hard Barry." Oliver said
"Do you?! Have you ever lost the love of your life? Your partner in Crime? Do you know how that feels to have someone ripped from your life and leaving a hole so big you're bleeding out?! No? Then I suggest you never say those words to me ever again."
Clark flew in.  He gave me a hug.
" we got to go Barry."
" I know." I said and grabbed my jacket.

They unfolded the flag and the S appeared on the casket

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They unfolded the flag and the S appeared on the casket.
"Daddy? What does the S stand for again?" "Hope. Sweetie. It stands for hope." It's all we needed was a little bit of Hope.
Nobody POV:

People made their speeches. Barry couldn't. It was too hard. Nobody expected him too. There was just a photo by her casket. Her face smiling in a hero pose that said that she had just defeated another thing that threatened her world.

Barry POV

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Barry POV..

We were all saying our goodbyes to her when I heard somebody's voice. A long voice that Kara hadn't mentioned since she left CATCO leaving Kara her dream position as a reporter.

Cat Grant

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Cat Grant. I turned and looked at her.
" Barry." She said
" ms. Grant." I said and Clark turned around.
" Clark." Ms. Grant said
We both gave her hugs.
"I'm so sorry. To the both of you. She was amazing. Kara was a hero."
I froze.
" you knew?" Clark asked
"Oh please. Superman of course I knew." She said and I looked at Clark and laughed.
"I also know that he's the flash and he's the green arrow. Masks don't fool me Clark neither do glasses."
He nodded and smiled. "She appreciated you cat. More than you may ever know. You helped her find her place in this world."
"She helped me find mine." Cat stated
"Yeah she did that for everyone." I said
"Come on let's go back to star labs." Clark said and we did.

A little while later....

"Hey man, you alright?" Cisco asked me "No

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"Hey man, you alright?" Cisco asked me
"No. Not really."
"Barry people are starting to leave. We gotta say goodbye." Clark said.
"Right I ugh. Yeah I'll be right there."

I looked out the window to see all the people saying goodbye to one another

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I looked out the window to see all the people saying goodbye to one another. All I could think about was her. How she would've just lifted the spirits of everyone in the room. How it felt like it was going to be gloomy forever.
Clark looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. I went down to say goodbye to everyone.


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"Barry." Oliver said "we're going to head out. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about before.." he said and I cut him off
"No bro, I was just in a bad spot. I'm sorry. This was about Kara not me."
"It was about everyone here. Everyone and their relationship with her."
I smiled "thanks for coming Ollie."
"Always. Don't get in a slump Barry. Come visit. Go visit Clark. Anything. Love you."
"Love you too Thanks for coming." I said and they left and everyone was gone except for my team and Kara's.
"Barry. I'm about to leave but can I talk to you?" Clark asked
" yeah what's up?"
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah I will be."
"You know metropolis is always your home Barry."
"Same here Clark. Thank you."
"Listen, this is going to hit everyone when we're alone. She was my cousin. Basically my sister. The only family I have left. I'm alone now so I'm going to need you to be my family too. She was the best person I knew but so are you. Barry she helped shape you into a person who is going to change the world some day. But don't forget the family and friends you have."
" thank you Kal." I said
"Kal? I don't think you've ever called me Kal."
"Yeah well Kara did. I don't want you to lose a part of your home."
"Thanks Barry. I'll see you soon." He said hugging me
Lois came up and gave me a hug "take care of yourself Barry."
"You too and watch him. If you need me call me."
"Same here." She said and they left.
I felt alone and I didn't know what to do

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