Chapter 10

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I walked up the stairs to Levi's bedroom, not surprised when he was still fast asleep. Walking over to his sleeping form, I crawled in behind him wrapping my arms around his small but muscular frame. I placed small kisses up and down his neck, smirking when he started to squirm and whimper. Levi wiggled around a bit before stretching and turning to face me. "Good morning Levi." Levi buried his face in my neck groaning. "...morning." Kissing the top of Levi's head I forced myself away from the bed and him, to finish the breakfast that was so rudely interrupted.

Levi shot out up from the bed and stared at me. "What were you doing in my bed?" I laughed considering it took him a good few hours to notice. "I crawled into your bed last night during the thunder storm. And might I add, you're actually quite adorable when you're scared." Rolling his eyes and crawling out of bed lazily, Levi followed after me, but not before putting on a robe. "Modest too. Interesting."

We made it to the table where I had laid out all the food I made. Apparently while I was angry I had made more food then was needed. Like a lot more food. I had made two plates of pancakes, a whole salad bowl of eggs (we have alot of eggs in the fridge), and two packages of bacon. Levi look at the food and then at back at me. "Are you planning on feeding a whole damn army or something." I snapped.

"No Levi, I was planning on feeding just you and me. But then something happened and I started stress cooking, and stress cleaning. You can give the extra food to Erwin and Armin if you want, or whatever you want." Levi looked as if he was about to say something but I was far from done. "Or maybe, here's an even BETTER idea. You can give it to the girl who called you this morning, bring it as dinner for whatever you guys had planned. Oh and if you don't know who I'm talking about, like you've forgotten or something, it's Petra. Remember her? Probably not cause you wanna act dumb right now. And to think I believed you're little water works last night. Obviously that was a load of shit! And for what? What did you gain from it?!"

I searched in anger at Levi, but I didn't give him time to answer before I started right back in. "You know what it doesn't even matter! I'm leaving! Don't bother calling cause I'm more than likely not going to answer you. Hope you have an amazing time tonight!" And with that I turned to the door. I slipped on my vans, grabbed my coat, and left without another word. I could care less what this asshat had to say. Cause apparently nothing he says has any meaning. And to think, I thought he was an actually sweet, and genuine guy who just has trouble expressing himself. But I know now that's all a croc of shit.

I was just walking nowhere at this point. I didn't have a specific place in mind I just needed to be away from him. Time to think, be alone with my own thoughts without any interruptions. Yeah I know theirs cars and people, but they all have their own buisness, their own secrets their hiding, dealing with. None of them care about me, and I like it that way. I'm done with always trying to make things appear that aren't there. I believe that there was a spark where only water can touch. 

I smacked myself on the forehead. Come on Eren you're making this way deeper than it has to be. Just... Calm down. Deep breaths. There you go.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

I held my hand out as the sprinkles started to fall. Ever since I was little I always loved stormy weather. My mom would always tell me that everytime it rained, it was the earths way of saying that it too felt you're pain. As of to make sure you knew you weren't alone, that you weren't the only one in pain. And for some reason it felt warm on my face. But I realized it wasn't the rain that was warm, it was my own tears. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until my hand found its way to my eyes, the condensed feelings and emotions slipping from those glossy orbs. It was almost a relief. Like with every tear my body felt lighter and all the things I wanted to say or do just vanished. Becoming one with the earths tears.

My knees collided with the ground, and my hands shaking as they cupped my face in a pitiful attempt to stop the tears. I didn't even know why I was crying. This man I had barely even known had so much control over me and he didn't even know it.

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