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a week later

Ariana's POV
It was my turn to surprise Mia, and to be honest I felt like I killed it. I was able to get us into a Coldplay show and I knew she was gonna actually lose her mind when she found out. The concert was tonight and I was pretty excited; I'm not the biggest fan of rock but seeing how passionate Mia was about it was all I cared about. I still didn't know how I was gonna tell her, fuck I hope she didn't have any plans tonight. It was currently 10 am and she was in class, I know damn well she was bored out of her mind.

me: yooooo
mia 🖤: thank god, my professor is talkin ab the dumbest shit
me: well good thing u have me
mia 🖤: a really good thing indeed
me: pls tell me ur free tonight
mia 🖤: my plans tonight consist of sleeping, why? 🤨
me: well looks like sleep will have to wait
mia 🖤: what r u up to?
me: hehe, you'll see. byeee.

Now I had to think of a creative way to surprise her. After hours of contemplating I finally had a great idea. I would pick her up from her house and tell her to open the glove compartment in my car to pass me tissues, then bam the tickets will be right there. Perfect. I ignored all of her texts throughout the day, she clearly was not a fan of surprises. I only sent her one text.

me: i'm picking u up in an hour, wear what u usually wear lol

I wasn't kidding, that girls wardrobe was allll band tees, muscle tees, long sleeves, tank tops, and ripped skinny jeans. I wasn't complaining though, she looked damn good in them.

I on the other hand never wore stuff like that so I had to raid Emily's closet; conveniently finding a coldplay shirt. I guess I was going to be that person. I also put on ripped jeans and high tops. Wow who am I. I looked too much like Mia it scared me so I added an oversized jean jacket and tied up the shirt to make it a little Ariana. I didn't know what to do with my hair so I left it in its normal ponytail.

I texted Mia when I was outside of her building and fuck she looked so amazing but what's new. She had on a long sleeve black Nike long sleeve, tan joggers, and some jordan's. She couldn't look more gay if she tried and it made me laugh.

She got in and scanned my outfit, confused. "um who are you and what have you done to Ariana?"

She didn't realize it was a Coldplay shirt, thank god. I was on the main roads when she started her questioning.

"So you're really not gonna tell me where we're going."


This was fun.

It wasn't until when we were at the red light by the arena when I turned to her. "Hey can you pass me a tissue? I have to blow my nose." I pointed towards the glove compartment.

"Uh okay." she opened it and the tickets appeared. "What the hell is this?" she grabbed them in her hands, scanning them.

"Surprise!" I proudly moved the jacket out of the way so I could show her the Coldplay logo.

She leaned her head back with her mouth hanging, "no fucking way! Ariana! You didn't have to do this." she turned towards me and I gave her a smile.

"You deserve it." I shrugged and turned my focus on the road when the light turned green. Her excitement made my heart burst.

Mia's POV
Fucking Coldplay tickets? Are you kidding? Of course Ariana had tons of connections but I honestly always forget about her fame and everything when I'm with her. She's just Ariana to me, she's everything to me. I really couldn't thank her enough. I followed her into the back entrance of the arena and was met with the hustle and bustle of the backstage life.

She grabbed my hand, "Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." she led me to a room and fucking Chris Martin was in there watching TV. I could feel my brain about to explode.

Ariana went over to him and hugged him, "Hey Chris!"

"Hi Ariana! Nice to see you." The Brit said and his eyes met mine. "and this must be uh, Mia right?" Ariana was at my side again and pushed me over towards him. I was still speechless and they both laughed.

"Y-yeah. Hi. Holy shit, you know my name."

Chris shook my hand. "Ah of course, your friend arranged this all." He gestured towards Ariana.

We talked to him for a bit and then we had to get going so he could get his vocal rest.

"Well it was nice meeting you, Mia. I have you enjoy the show." He smiled and hugged us both goodbye. When we were in the hallway nothing could take off the smile that was plastered on my face.

"you are the most amazing person in the world." I said to Ariana.

"I know." she laughed

I took this moment to check her out and I really couldn't get over her look. She looked sexy and cute at the same time, only she could pull off something like that.

"Whatchu lookin at?" she said with a smirk, ugh that smirk was gonna get her in trouble.

"You" I winked and we made our way down the hall to our seats.

The show was going incredible I was still thanking Ariana every chance I got. She wasn't having it tho. Our seats were pretty close and towards the side of the stage, a lot of fans noticed Ariana and started to go insane. There were about eight security guards around us at this point and I honestly still didn't know how she went through stuff like this every day, wonder woman was what she was.

She looked at me with a cute pout. "I'm sorry, this wasn't what I wanted."

I chuckled at her. "I'm watching one of my favorite bands with my favorite girl, I'm having the time of my life." I reassured her, yeah the fans and security were annoying but I wasn't gonna tell her that. She smiled when I said she was my favorite girl, it was true, she was my favorite girl, probably my favorite person actually.

After the show we made it back to my building. I opened my mouth say something but she interjected.

"Mia, I swear to god if you thank me one more time-."

I laughed, "actually I wanted to say I had the most incredible night."

Her smile mirrored mine and it melted my heart. She truly was the most beautiful person in the world. I should've probably kissed her right then and there but something was telling me not to, so instead I hugged her goodnight and walked into the apartment, instantly taking my phone out.

me: u never said anything ab texting u a thank u 😉
ari 🖤: i hate u why are u the cutest thing in the world
me: that's all u.

I went to sleep that night happy.

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