chapter 9: adam & trevor's infinite watchlist

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September 1st, 2018 will be a day neither Trevor nor Adam forgets. Not only because Adam is about to be introduced to ten different movies that are guaranteed to blow his mind for better or worse, but because Trevor wakes up really early and shows up on Adam's doorstep a few minutes before 5 in the morning. The smell of the two coffees Trevor's holding waif through the air as he adjusts them carefully in his left hand so he can knock. Three heavy raps against the wood beckon Adam to the door, who opens it with frizzy hair and a yawn. He blinks at Trevor through bleary eyes, saying nothing.

"Morning, Adam." Trevor smiles, bright and alert, handing Adam one of the coffees. "Drink this then get dressed. We've got a busy day ahead of us."

Adam doesn't respond until he's grabbed the coffee and taken a sip. It's then that his eyes narrow at Trevor, moving aside so he can come in. "I know I agreed to this, but did it have to be so early?"

"If we want to finish every movie on the list, yeah." Admittedly, Trevor probably could have pushed the schedule back an hour or two. Then he remembered Adam showing up at his house late at night and made this his small revenge. Trevor steps into Adam's house, glancing over his shoulder. "Having second thoughts?"

Adam closes the door behind him. "No, but I was having this dream where we..." he trails off when he turns around and meets Trevor's eyes. "Where we had this amazing five-star match. Good stuff." He clears his throat, rubbing at the back of his neck. "What are we seeing?"

Trevor isn't convinced about his supposed dream, but lets it go. They've got bigger things to worry about right now. He smiles, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. On it is a list of the movies they're watching, when they're watching them, and where they're watching them. Trevor hasn't been this prepared for anything since his high school field trip to the botanical gardens. Even then he almost missed the bus for it. "They're all on this list. I finished it last night."

Adam makes a lethargic grab for the paper and Trevor lightly bats his hand away. "Nope, it's a surprise." He refolds it with one hand to put in his pocket, taking a drink from his coffee. "But I will tell you that the first movie we're seeing is Black Panther, which we wouldn't have to see if you had just come with me, Bianca, and Mia on our second viewing."

The corner of Adam's mouth tips up as he starts moving past Trevor to head to his room, then stops for a second to say, "True, but then I wouldn't have been able to get you all to myself."

Trevor rolls his eyes, half a smile on his own face. "Does being your fake boyfriend mean I have to put up with more of your cheesy shit?"

"I'm afraid so. In fact, I saved the cheesiest shit just for you. Stuff like the nicknames sweetums and sugar."

Trevor shudders involuntarily. "I can feel myself having second thoughts already."

Adam snorts, then takes a swig of his coffee as his eyes study Trevor for a moment too long. Adam doesn't say anything else to him as he finally heads to his room, but Trevor swears he hears him mumble something that sounds suspiciously like, "Me too."


Later, the two are at a local theater that's brought Black Panther back to their screens for one month only. They sit nestled in the middle of a packed crowd, sharing a bowl of buttered popcorn between them that has skittles at the bottom (Trevor) and broken pieces of Hershey's chocolate at the top (Adam) to combat their sweet tooth. Because they're sharing the popcorn, their hands do that cliché hand touch thing more than once. If this were some rom-com, Trevor would probably pull away and do something akin to blushing. But he is not a blusher, and not just because he's black. Instead he politely swats Adam's hand away because he went half on this popcorn and Trevor will be damned if he lets him eat it all.

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