Chapter 2

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Niall's Pov

Today was gonna be busy because we had to work on our new album. We were all sitting in the studio, trying to figure out the lyrics for our new song. But all I could think of was if I should call Aria or not. Does she like me? What if she doesn't? I kept looking at her number in my phone. 

"So Niall, did you come up with any lyrics yet?" inquired Liam. "Oh, what?" I stuttered. "No, I haven't." I responded. Liam noticed how distracted I was, "What's on your mind, mate?" he asked. 

"Um, I just dont know if I should call Aria." I replied. I knew Liam would know the right thing to do, he always does. That's one of the reasons we call him Daddy Direction, he take cares of us all. 

"You should, I think she fancies you." As soon as Liam said that a bright smile lit up my face. "I shall call her later." I replied. 

Louis ran his hand through his hair and said "Dude, you should take some tips from me, afterall I'm the swagmasta." All of us laughed at his comment.

I suddenly realized that I didn't know what I was gonna say to her. She wasn't a fan, so it wasn't gonna be easy to impress her. I couldn't just call her without knowing what to say. I don't want our conversation to get awkward.

I had to take my mind off of what I was gonna say because we had to finish the song today. After a little while, Louis and Liam had come up with good lyrics and now we were headed to the recording studio. 

It was pretty late when we finished recording. I think it was around mid-night. We all sat in the living room discussing how we would work on the next song tomorrow.

"So, did you call the gal, Niall?" asked Zayn. Shit. I was so busy in recording that I had forgotten to call her. She must have been waiting for my call.

"Oh my, I forgot." I replied. "Are you gonna call her now, dude?" asked Harry curiously. "What should I do now lads?" I asked. "Text her to see if she's awake." suggested Louis. "And if she isn't awake, just tell her why you weren't able to call her." added Liam. Wow, this was a good idea. 

"Hey Aria, are you still awake? -Niall" I texted her. We flipped through the channels til we found a nice movie to watch. I kept checking my phone again and again, hoping she would reply. But I had to face disappointment each time. This was my fault, I should've called or texted her earlier. Was she not reply because she was angry? I couldn't help but wonder.

"Any news from Aria?" Zayn asked. "No, mate, I think she's asleep." I said while checking my phone one more time. "Just text her again and tell her how you got caught up in the recording." said Liam. "Yeah, dude, it isn't that big of a problem." stated Harry. 

Yeah, I shouldn't be that worried, she probably didn't expect me to call anyway, right? I sent her another text saying  "Hey, I'm really sorry I couldn't call. I was busy in recording. -Nail". 

After a while the movie got boring so we decided to go to sleep. I headed to my room to crash on my bed. I kept my phone on the table next to my bed so I could reply to Aria whenever she texts me back. 

It took me a few hours to fall asleep. I kept thinking of Aria, and hoping that she wasn't mad at me. Checking my phone was the frist thing I did when I woke up. I had one new message, was it her? Of course it was.

I was nervous but kind of excited at the same time. I read her text it said "It's perfectly okay, I understand why you couldn't call."  I was so relieved to read that. She wasn't mad at me after all. 

"I actually thought you were mad at me, I'm so glad that you're not." I replied to her right away. I got out of my bed and put on my red polo shirt and jeans.

I went to the kitchen and looked for something to eat. Everyone else was still asleep. I took some milk for the fridge and put it in a bowl. I was now looking for some cereal when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I excitedly took it out of my pocket and read the text from Aria saying "No, of course I wasn't mad at you. How could I be mad at an adorable irish boy like you?" I smiled widely. She thinks I'm adorable? That made me happy.

"Glad to know. Can I call you right now?" I replied and started my hunt for cereal again. 

I had my breakfast after I found the box of cereal in the living room. I bet Harry put it there, gotta love that guy. I felt my phone vibrate again.

I read the message while I walked out to the patio for some fresh air. Her text said "Sure you can." My worry about what I was gonna say started again..

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