Chapter 1

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"I really don't wanna do this." I protested as Hanna forced me to take part in some kind of fan contest with her. I really wasn't interested in spending a day with One Direction. I've got nothing against them, but I guess I just wasn't into boybands. For all I knew, this was all about to change..

Hanna slept over that day. At about 11am, I was sleeping peacefully when Hanna woke me up by jumping on my bed. "Wake up Aria!" she yelled in excitement. I sat up and stared at her in confusion for a minute. "Whats the matter Han?" I asked with curiosity. She suddenly handed me my phone and when I looked at it I realized that it was a text from the management of the contest and I had won.

I wasn't at all as excited as Hanna was. Apparently, I was gonna spend all Monday with the band and I could also bring a friend with me. Obviously it was gonna be Hanna. She had already picked outfits for both of us. She had been my bestfriend since 1st grade, I could always count on her. She knew all my secrets and I knew all of hers. 

So the next day, Hanna woke me up at 6am and forced me to get ready. We heard a car stop infront of my house and Hanna ran down to find that it was from the management and it was gonna take us where the band was staying. After about an hour of driving we got there, we got down and walked in.

We got in and saw Liam right infront of us, he was there to welcome us. How sweet of him, I thought. Hanna ran to him and hugged him. I just stood there and smiled. As we walked in we saw the other boys chilling in the living room. Zayn and Niall were playing video games while Harry and Louis were watching TV. 

All the 4 boys turned to us and shouted "Hello gals!". Hanna chatted with them for a while and asked them questions which they happily answered and I just sat there looking at them. 

After a little while, Niall noticed how i wasn't very excited. He got up and sat next to me on the couch. "Hey there, is everything ok?" he asked. His sweet voice made me grin automatically.

"Yeah, everythings fine! Sorry my friend is the huge fan here." I replied.

"Oh, i see. Well i'm Niall." he said sweetly. I couldn't help but smile.

"And I'm Aria." i replied. 

"You have a beautiful smile, by the way" . His words made me blush. "So, you dont like our music or what?" he asked.

"No, i just havent heard it." As soon as i said that, he started singing an unfamiliar but sweet song. He sounded like an angel singing. I have to admit, i was really impressed. I thought everyone would be staring at us, but Liam and Zayn were busy signing pictures for Hanna and Louis and Harry were in the kitchen.

"We're not going to the studio today, we'll stay here and relax" Liam announced. Niall happily shouted "yeahhh buddieee!" i giggled.

 "Wanna come see my room?" whispered Niall gently in my ear. I smiled and nodded. To my surprise he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs, leading me into his room.

 The first thing that caught my eye in his room was his guitar. I went closer to it and ran my fingers over the strings softly. He noticed how interested I was in that guitar so he picked it up and said "Shall I play it for you?"

"Sure." I sat on his bed and smiled at him. He sat on the chair next to the bed and started playing his guitar. I didnt concentrate a lot on what he was playing because I couldnt take my eyes off his gorgeous face. 

I started having fantasies about me and him being together. " So, how was it?" he asked. I suddenly realized that he had finished playing the song on the guitar and was asking if i liked it.

"Um, yeah, that was amazing. " i grinned a little. He looked at me and smiled. His sweet smile made me stare. He leaned in and brought his face closer to mine. He softly kissed my cheek, which made me blush.

I got all shy and ran out of his room to the living room and sat next to Hanna. "I think I'm starting to like this band. " i whispered to her.

It was about 4pm and we had to leave at 7. The boys were now comfortable with us being around so they acted more like themselves.

Mom kept calling repeatedly to check up on me. It was getting kind of embarrassing. Now whenever Mom would call, the boys would come up to me and make weird noises into the my phone to annoy me. After I'd hang up, they'd all be laughing. I have to admit, it was fun.

 "Hey girls, wanna join us?"  Louis asked us to play video games with him and Zayn. We got up and sat down next to them. As soon as we did that, Zayn started explaining how we can control the characters in the game. I wasn't pay much attention to what he was saying, I was too busy watching Niall. He was just sitting there being cute. I couldn't resist wanting to take a picture of him. I know this sounds stupid because there are thousands of pictures of him on the internet, afterall he is the famous Nialler. But I still wanted to take a picture of him, just to remember this day. So, I took my phone out of my pockect and took a picture of the cute Irish boy. Of course he noticed what I had just done and he looked at me with a grin on his face. I felt my cheeks turning into a bright shade of red so I decided to go to the kitchen and look for some water.

Looking for a bottlle of water in the unfamiliar kitchen was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Atlast, I found one, in the cabinet. I was busy drinking water when I heard footsteps approaching me slowly. I turned around to see who it was. I expected it to be Hanna. But to my surprise, it was Niall. I gasped. He was standing there with a cute smile on his face.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" he asked in his cute Irish accent. "Yeah..I think I did." I chuckled. "Good, becauae our kitchen can be a mess sometimes." he said as he took a few steps closer towards me. I giggled and put the bottle on the counter. 

My heartbeat became faster with each step he took towards me. What was happenning to me? Why do I like him? "So, Aria, do you like our band yet?" he said with a teasing smile. "Mhmm, you guys aren't that bad. " I chuckled. Just when I had said that, I heard Hanna calling. "Um, I have to go see what she wants." I informed him and then started looking for her.

When she saw me coming up to her, she had her arms crossed over her stomach and was gazing at me angrily. "Did you look at the time?" she asked with a frown. When I looked at the time on my phone, I understood why she was angry. It was 7:30 and her mom was supposed to pick us up at 7. "Do you know how many times mom called?" she groaned.

"Uh, I am sorry." I apologized. So, it was time to go. Surprisingly, I didn't wanna leave. We said goodbye to the guys and went outside to the car. Just as we were gonna get in the car, we saw Niall running up to us. 

"Wait!!" he shouted breathlessly. He took his phone out of his pocket and said to me "Can I have your number, please?". I slowly took his phone, dialled my number and handed it back to him. For a minute, he stared at his phone and smilled to himself.

We got in the car and drove back and Hanna's mom dropped me at my house. After telling everyone how my day was, I went upstairs to my room. I couldn't fall asleep that night because I kept replaying everything that happened in my mind. Would Niall call me? Or Will he just forget about me? I guess I had to wait to find that out..

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