New Friend

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Remus Lupin was walking through the corridor. His eyes tried than usual and more scars were visible on his face.

"Good morning, Professor." A girl, probably a first year said.

He smiled." Good morning, Miss Lockwood."

"Are you alright sir?"

Remus Lupin was lost in his own thoughts. "Huh?"

"Are you alright sir? Professor Snape said you were sick."

"Ah yes."

"Get well soon sir." She said walked away after saying a goodbye.

He walked towards his office. It has been a day since he last saw him. His son.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard a small exciting voice. "Look daddy! I made a new friend!" His five year son exclaimed.

There stood Draco Malfoy. Teddy sitting on the chair. Because of his condition, Remus had given his son's responsibility to MaGonagall but looked liked he managed to get past her.

"Uh I found him wondering outside Slytherin common room." Draco said which wasn't a complete lie. He just left the part where the boy said he knows him and the part he took a fake sick leave.

"Hmmm. Little Draco. Yesterday I met little daddy too." He said and Draco groaned internally as he called him that. Again.

"Thank you Mr Malfoy. I truly appreciate it. Would you like some tea?" He asked as he picked Teddy.

"Thank you sir, but I've got the trip. Yeah it started few minutes ago. I should get going." He said, surprised that his brain didn't thought of any insult towards his Professor.

Remus Lupin smiled and nodded. After Draco left he turned to his son.
"Now mister what did I say about wondering off?"

Teddy smiled sleeplessly. "You truly are a Marauders son, aren't you?" Remus said, fondly shaking his head.

"Marauder!Moony! You Moony."

Remus stood shocked. Well looks like Harry know about that in the future he thought.

"Yes... Looks like Harry told you that huh?"

"Hmm. Prongs, Padfoot, Moony!" The five year old said smiling widely.

Remus gave him a confused look. "What about Peter, Ted? forget?"

Teddy looked at him with his innocent brown eyes and shook his head. "Daddy? Peter Parker? Spiderman? I like spiderman. But he's not a Marauder." He said,pouting.

"Wh- what's a spid- never mind. Fourth Marauder Teddy... Peter? Please tell me you know him.." He sighed as Teddy shook his head again.

But how was that possible! Harry tells him about a mass murderer, supporter of Voldemort who betrayed his parents but not the one who gave his life to save his parents!! Unless... No no that's not possible, Remus refused to even give it a thought. He quickly snapped himself out of his thoughts and began to focus on his babbling.

"-and then I met two two uncle George and both of them had ears! And then I helped them to prank the- oops! I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Anyw-"

"Hold on... Two George" He hoped it was not what he feared.

"Hmm. One said he's name of was Fred." Teddy whispered, eyes wide.

Over the months he had taken quite liking towards the twins. They reminded him of his old days. Well future Harry did talked about a war so... Wait a minute.

"Teddy? Who's Harry married to?" He asked of curiosity.

"No one."

"Bu- But you called someone the other day mummy." He had the tiniest bit of hope that his son's real mother was alive.

"Uh huh. Ginny mommy! She said to call her that because she's going to marry daddy after I turn more big." Teddy said smiling. Remus smiled back.

"What's with Potter's and redheads? I would never understand." He said, still a smile plastered on his face.

"You play with me daddy?"

"I'm afraid I cannot. I have classes in a hour." But seeing disappointed look on the kids face he continued, "but I think I can make an exception. But only for a hour though."

That was enough to make Teddy happy. "We can play with a broomstick!"

"You're five can't play with one. How about another game?"

"Daddy let me play with his broom. But don't tell mommy." He whispered the last part.

Remus raised his eyebrow. "Now does he?"

Teddy nodded. "Story? Tell me a story." Teddy suggested.

Remus smiled. This seemed to be a good idea. Besides it will get over within an hour.

"Alright then. Let's go to your chambers, shall we?" It was a perfect idea. He would put Teddy to sleep and will be off with his work. MaGonagall should be free by then and would look after his son.

As they walked into Teddy's chambers he put the boy on the bed. Seeing what his father wanted to do he protested."but I don't feel sleepy."

"Please Teddy? I've got classes. Besides MaGonagall will be here so you won't be alone." He said as he covered the child with golden silk covers. He was thankful of Dumbledore for providing his son with cloths, toys and stuff.

"'Kay. Story?"

"Yes. So which one?" He said as he made himself comfortable on the bed.

"Oh oh the one where ferret and the princess!"

Lupin gave him a confused look. He never heard of that story! After giving his son a guilty look he said, "I never heard of that story Teddy. Sorry." He said scratching his neck. "Maybe you can tell me 'bout it. How does that sound?"

"Awesome! I've never told anyone a story before!"

"Alright then."

"Okay so far away in a kingdom there lived a beautiful princess. She was smartest of the all. Oh and she was also very kind. I forgot. So um... and there was a white little bouncing ferret who would tease her and make fun of her. The bouncing ferret considered himself superior and was very very agno- ignorant. Now the princess had two friends whom she loved dearly. One fine day when the ferret said a mean thing to her, she punched him." Teddy said as he threw his fist in the air, making a sound. His father was looking at him with amusement.
"-and the he cried and cried so then the princess took pity on him and left him alone. Years later there came a war where the princess and his friends fought for their kingdom. An evil, the evilest of the villain wanted to harm her best friend. The bouncing ferret fought against her. But the good side won and the ferret was being send to a prison but the princess and his  friend's forgave him. The ferret then filled guilty and than after two years the bouncing ferret turned into a prince and convinced the princess he was now not evil and very soon the princess believe him and then they lived happily ever after!" Teddy finished with a yawn.

"The story was certainly ve- very interesting Teddy. Now close your eyes alright." Remus didn't know why but was very certain that Teddy didn't even told him the whole story.

"Daddy when's daddy going to come? I miss him." Teddy said very close to fall asleep.

"Very soon Teddy. Very soon. Now bye. Love you." He said, surprising himself with the last part.

"Love you too." Teddy replied and Remus Lupin never felt more happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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