Best Restaurant

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I am not going to waste anymore time. Just confront her and be done with it.
My body starts to shudder, yet I am trying to keep it under control.
I can't be weak to her, not anymore. No matter what, whether she is a girl or not, she is the one who ruined my life. Gotta end this.
The door opened slowly and light from the inside of the house shined brightly towards me.
I can see a silouhette standing at the front door, facing me.
"Angel, I need to speak-"
"Oh no, are you another stalker of Angel?" A tall, dark and handsome guy stood right in front of me. He gave me a fiery glare and have his arms crossed.
I gasped. "Who?"
With a huge step back, I started to shiver again. Alright, this is NOT what I expected to be.
"When will you fans learn that she doesn't like you coming over his home?!" His voice is so heavy and sounds like Hulk. That is so deep. Gives me the shivers.
"U-uh actually..." I began slowly, nearly fainted. With my forefinger, I pointed to my house next door. "I am her neighbor."
For a second, he is still glaring at me with his fiery eyes. Why is she still glaring at me like that??
The next second, a complete aura change. "Neighbor? Oh, sorry. Didn't see ya before, mate." His aura turned into a friendly and heartwarming guy. Totally different from a few seconds ago.
Which made me realized that this guy must have been Angel's boyfriend, and I guess now is not the right time to confront her.
Maybe tomorrow.
I scratch my backhead and sighed. "Uh, on second thought, this isn't a good time. I didn't realize she has a company over right now. I'll talk with her tomorrow."
That guy leaned towards me, just a few inches from my face, made me shivered again. This is way too close, I am not gay.
"Hmm, ya sure don't want to meet her now?" he asked with a sweet smile. He is a weirdo, why Angel wanted to date this guy??
I chuckled, trying to swallow my fear. "Yeah, tomorrow would be better. See you, bro." I waved at him and ran straight back to my house.
Dammit. Tomorrow I have to confront her, bright and early.

The time was 10.30 when I finally got into my PJ's. It's time to rest!
I dropped my body into the bed and took a deep breath in. Going to relax for a bit before I think about my new menu. Just lying down here on my comfy bed with my PJ's is definitley worth it. Felt like I am in heaven now, so peaceful.
That startled me alright, who would visit me this late?
I jumped out of the bed and ran straight for the door. Could it be Sam?
Nah, he is probably already sleeping.
I opened the door and nearly dropped to my knees when I saw who it was.
Angel Pretzel.
Standing in front of my door.
In her PJ's.
With a sad face.
And an envelope in her hand.
What the-?
Princess growled from inside of my house, looked so alert.
I was just frozen, standing silently as I looked at Angel.
What does she want with me now? Not in the right moment to do a confrontation.
"Charles, I am so sorry," she whispered with her watery eyes.
I took a deep breath, need to control my emotions. Princess is still growling near me, as if ready to pounce on Angel.
"Easy, Princess," I said.
I turned to face Angel and looked at her in the eyes. "What are you sorry for?"
She sighed and turned her face away from me, as if to scared to look at me. "I had no idea what my fans did to Dimanche. After I review a place, I rarely check the reviews or ratings. So I didn't see what happened until today. It's no wonder you were upset with me when we first met. I've contacted my other food blogger and vlogger friends who can help you but they are still thinking about it. Hopefully they can help. Until then..."
She held out an envelope. "I want to give you this. It might help make things better for you."
I accpeted the envelope. "What is it?"
"It's a check, from the money I earned from the video of me reviewing Dimanche."
I nearly fainted when I saw the amount of it. My sould literally just flew out of my body for a second. How can she make so much money from a single video?What am I doing with my life?
She shook her head. "It is the first time I made this much, it is all because it went viral. But I took it down, sorry I didn't do it sooner."
I looked at the check and sighed. This is so frustrating.
"I appreciate your apology and that it is very considerate of you to come here and say it yourself. But I don't want your money," I gave it back the envelope to her hands. "Your apology is enough."
She shook her head again and have her hands up. "No, take it. I don't feel right having it."
"I don't want to profit off of what happened. Take it back," I snapped.
"No, please." She shook her head and took a step back.
I gripped the envelope in my hands and gave her a nasty glare. Princess just sat near me and watch us arguing.
"Take it back," I snapped.
"No," she snapped back. "That money is more than what most entrepreneurs make on their first day of business. Use it to expand your business. With a bigger budget you will be able to have an awesome restaurant in town."
I felt as if something just slapped me in the face. That hurts, like a lot. Oh the pain, the heartbreak. I feel as if I am melting to the ground. She just insulted me.
Gasping and trying to control my breath, I gave her my fiery eyes. Anger raged back on me, this time it is also filled with sadness and pain.
Angel widen her eyes as she saw me getting angry. "Easy, man."
I can't take this anger any longer, it is starting to control my brains. I ripped that damn piece of check and threw it all the way to the floor.
It shattered all over the place, like snow.
Angel looked shocked, she nearly fainted as well.
"Dimanche IS THE BEST RESTAURANT IN TOWN!" I yelled. "And if you weren't such a foolish little girl and spend more time appreciating other people than just yourself, you would not have done all of this!"
I took a deep breath, finally back in control. "You're not sorry, just guilty. Trust me, I don't want your money nor your pity. I am rich, I earn more than that."
I closed the door, without giving that girl a second to talk. Not wanting to hear anything from her, just want to be alone.
I had enough, so tired of all this drama. Why are there so many mean people in this world?
Why can't she understand?
Princess shoved her head at my legs, trying to cheer myself up.
I can't. I am too broken to smile.
I am ruined.

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