If you spend more than you earn, not only you're not gonna be wealthy, you're likely to end up poor.
For some reason people care more about appearances than they do about their well being. There's no shame in not being able to afford something, the realization you can't right now, is what should motivate you to get it later.
What do people do, they borrow money, in order to buy things they don't really need, just so people they don't really care about won't look down on them.
Do you understand how stupid that is? Why do you need to upgrade every year to a new phone? Why do you need supreme t shirts? Why do you buy things that you don't need just because they are on sale?
The problem isn't that you want these things, because that's ok, the problem is you're not looking for ways to increase your income and instead you're going deeper and deeper into debt for liabilities.
15 things you will never be rich
SonstigesThis time, some of you are not gonna like it, because i've made it my mission to tell you the truth and some people can't handle the truth, especially when you're telling them they'll never be rich. But not everyone's gonna make it. If your goal in...