You are waiting for a miracle

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You're playing the lotto, you're hoping for a big inheritance, you look for the big score, you play in your mind what you would do with the millions you don't have, you use the power of thinking, you try to manifest the secret into your life, the universe will reward you for your thoughts or even your god will gift you the life you believe you deserve.

That's all bullshit! Wake the Fuck up!

The miracle is that you are alive right now! The universe, your god or whatever you believe in, did its part. Now it's your time to do yours!

If you're waiting for a sign, this is it! We are here to let you know that the Universe wants you to get off your lazy ass and get to work!

If you've got some of these beliefs you might want to take a good look at yourself and figure out who you want to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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