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By the said room the blond sat in the few couches, patiently waited for each person to be seated

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By the said room the blond sat in the few couches, patiently waited for each person to be seated.

Her now crimson eyes followed each movements of the group.

Upon the last person sat, she opened her mouth; canines protruding as she does so.

"Alright, ask anything you want from me."

Lazily placing her chin on the back of her hand, her dominant arm rested on the armrest.

Before anyone can speak, the other blonde haired girl used her small voice to ask the question everyone was curios about.

"What are you?"

This made the conners of Asagi's mouth rise up for a short while.

"You said you were a human when I asked if you were a vampire when I asked you before... why did you lie?"

Asagi's reddened eyes had that dead look as it bore to Yui's sherbet pink ones.

"Guess your memories were quite vague from before huh?"

The fanged blond statement made the other blonde crunch her brows from confusion..

"Let me phrase what we talked before then, you asked me if I were a vampire, that was correct. But I didn't said I wasn't a vampire, what I said was 'I'm not like them', remember?"

Upon saying so lethargically, Yui reminisced of details that day.

"But y-your eyes... they're red."

Stuttered the poor girl.

"They've always been red, so what of it? Just because they're red, doesn't mean I'm a vampire, not all people who have red eyes are vampires."

Once more answered Asagi as if she had no life, and uninterested.

"Then what are you?"

The bespectacled Sakamaki interjected on the girl's conversation.

"Hmm... what really... that's the real question."

Asagi trailed off, dragging her eyes sideward.

"Excuse me?"

A bit irritated, Reiji retorted.

Before the red eyed girl could answer her head flung forward.

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