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Okay i would like to say sorry for every grammar mistake or typos
As you know english isn't my first language
I learned english on school (you know just the basic english for student) and i have never studied english on my college
So it's pretty hard for me to made this story.  That's why thank you so much if you can feel and understand the whole story of this book

My father is a multilingual but he never teach me how to speak in those languages. I'm a chinese that born on Indonesia. But i can't even speak in Chinese. My father can speak a little bit in chinese (mandarin), but speaks fluently in cantonese and english

When i was a kid, he used to talk with me with mixed language. Like something in cantonese and english and indonesian at the same time so i understand a bit cantonese and english. Just a bit. My mom can't speak in english but she's good at cantonese. And when they talked about things we shouldn't know, they used the cantonese language.

"Are you hungry/thirsty/okay?" "do you want/like/love/hate it?" The answer of every english question that my father asks is just a Yes I am/do or No i am/do not

When i was 4, if my father asked me "are you hungry?" And i said "yes, i am. Dad i want to eat this food" people praised me and said "wah your daughter is good at english. Wah she's smart. She'll talk fluently in english like you" etc. But no i'm not. I'm different than my dad. The fact that my grandpa from Hongkong ran away to Indonesia (bcs of there's a big accident in whole China) when my dad was like 5 or 6, made my father learn to speak english and indonesian in order to survive and go to school in Indonesia. But me? I never know who i should talk with in english. And all english i've learned before is just a basic english for student on the school. My father talks to me with the mixed language or the basic question with Yes or No as the answer LOL

So there's no way for me to improve my english hahaha meanwhile i love english. I think that language is kinda important to learn. You can use that language when you are on vacation to another country in this world

But then at Dec 2018, i went to Bangkok-Thailand all alone for got7 Nestival 2018. I can't speak in Thai. So i used english for the whole week. It's pretty hard for me. Then i got a lot of thai igot7 friends and their english are soooo good.  Since then finally i am officially studying english as my sub class for this semester on the college

And when i made the epilogue, that's when i  started to learn the grammar and things. Then i re-read every chapter and compared it with the epilogue. Guess what i think my english has a lot improvement just in days since i took the class. I'm so proud at myself but i still have a long way to learn english.  My english isn't that good yet hahaha i think my english is just 'not bad' right now. But not good yet haha

A week after i finished the epilogue, maybe i'll unpublish this story, fix the grammar and typos, then i'll publish it again when it's ready. At the end, for trying to understand the whole story even if the english isn't as good as what you expected, also for loving and supporting this book, i would like to say Thank you very much for everything~

It means a lot for me♡


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