The Im Family

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Do you know how it feel to be married with someone you don't even love?
Do you know how it feel when the one that you love the most leave you and married with a stranger because of he loves her?

I married to Youngjae. Youngjae isn't a stranger. He's a cousin of my first love Park Jinyoung. His Dad or can i call it mom because she's a women, Choi Youngju, is the sister of Choi Juyoung the mom of Park Jinyoung.

Youngjae is on the same school with me. He's a friend of Mark, Mark is Jackson's wife. He's only have Mark. I think he's not good at making friend. Meanwhile i have Yugyeom, Jackson, the crazy Bambam, and also Jinyoung on my side. But at my last year, He's close enough with us because of Jinyoung who 'You can come with us. Let's hang with us. C'mon join us. Please go with us. Why you feel uncomfortable with us, You can bring your friend with you if it's make you more comfortable'. And that also why Jackson's married Mark. Jinyoung is a great person right? When Youngjae is just.. well..

I still don't get it.. Why my parent trade him to Jinyoung's parent with our Fashion Company in Busan? I mean i know that Company isn't as big as our Music Agency and Entertaiment Company at Seoul. But still... why he trade one of our Company in Busan with Youngjae so i married him? Because of Youngjae, I lose one of my fav company!! Yeah that company is my favorite one.. Why? Because I can made an excuse like 'I'm going to Busan. I want to check how our company's going' when the truth is i want to check Jinyoung.

Now, i'm a young CEO of DeffSoul Entertaiment Company. I love DeffSoul name. It sounds cool. And this is the new company that my father made when i'm 19. He named it DeffSoul because he knows that i like DeffSoul name. He tought me how to run this bussiness since then. But I'm the CEO since when I turned 25. Now i'm 27. We're in charge of making the MV for any music agency that hire us, produce songs and sell our songs to the Music Agency, Film production etc.

My parents, own a Music Agency. A big one. It called as The ARS Entertaiment. And they once said 'we give you DeffSoul Entertaiment bcs we can't give you The ARS Entertaiment. It's too big for you hahahaha. Kidding son. It's not belong for you. Yet." I think it's because they think that i'm too young for it. And they're still 48 and 50! They can still handle the Agency well.

How's life with Youngjae?
He's good when i drunk. I always doing sex with him when i drunk. Just when i drunk. I never touch him when i'm not drunk. Bcs why i should touch him? Sometime i really think he's disgusting nerd. We may sleep on the same bed but our bed is big and i always sleep at the end side of the bed. I think he knows his place so he doens't dare to come closer.

But he's useful you know. He's a good wife. He prepares a bath for me then wakes me up at 7, the breakfast ready at 7.30 and then i go to work with a bag of lunch in my hand. I usually arrive at very clean home around 8 p.m. and the bath is always ready. The dinner too. Then i do my work at my studio room, when he washes the dishes and then sleeps. I didn't live in a mansion. My parent do. Me and Youngjae live at a big apartment near my Company. It has 3 room. A guest room, a mini studio for me, and the main bedroom

Oh yeah. We never eat at the same table. He never join me whenever i have dinner. I think he has the dinner before or after me? And he also never eat the breakfast with me. And i have no problem with that.

We never talk unless it necessary. And the good thing is my money is still on my pocket. I never give him any. And he never ask.

Well i admit it, sometime i yell at him if i have a problem at my company. You know.. when i have a problem and i don't want to drink but i have no one else to blame. He's there. He's always there. But he never fights me back. And so i just let it out to him. But i never hit him.

Okay i admit it. I hit him. Once. No. Twice. That was by accident!! I'm not a jerk. Well... The first one is when i drunk and he already sleep... I have to wait for 10 minutes. I was so mad that time that i'm so ready to break the door with my punch and that's when that Youngjae opened the door. It hit him on the face. He cried but not let out a sound. Poor Youngjae. I regret it the next day. But i never say sorry. I never say sorry to anyone not even Jinyoung. I just say sorry to my parent. So i said "i hit you by accident. I forgot the door password when i drunk and want to break the door but that's when you opened the door. And if you want to cry just let it out don't hold it" and he just said "oh i see. That's okay. Not a big deal. My eyes would be back to normal in a week don't worry. I just afraid if you're mad at me because i know that i'm so loud when i cry. Sorry you have to wait for long because i was asleep..." with a smile but he didn't even look me at my eyes. I think i hit him too hard that he still afraid with me. But that was the longest conversation we ever have.

The other time is... it was sunday. I usually use my time at my studio.. well he made me some biscuits and milk. But when he opened the studio that's when i'm going crazy and threw anything. I didn't know that he already in. And my book flew and landed directly at his face. The biscuits was everywhere, and glass of milk fell. It made his foot bleed. I was mad so i just watched him. He just muttered "sorry i came at the bad time" then he left with his bleeding foot. Then he was back with bandaged foot and cleaned the mess that he made also "let me clean your studio" i just said "that book hit you by accident. I didn't do that purposely. You right you are came at the wrong time. And sure you can clean it. i'm going to the gym" he just smiled and i saw a tear running down his face. The foot must be hurt but why he acted like a strong when he is not. It his fault to acted like a strong. So i left him to the gym

That's my life

I hope you like my first update~

English isn't my first language

Oh yeah i think this story will be on Jaebum so... it's only No one Point of view and Jaebum's Point of view


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