Chapter 2

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"Just have sex with him!" Stephanie screams at me.

"I-I don't want to." I say, trembling.

"As soon as she does it I'll let you go." He smirks, and I shiver.

I can see Stephanie screaming at me and she looks worse than angry, but I can't hear her.

"Just do it, you dumb bitch!" Stephanie slaps me and I gasp.

"Stephanie, I-I can't." I say as a tear runs down my cheek.

"Can't you just have me instead?" Stephanie says and I pray he'll say yes.

"No. I want her." He says and I cry.

"Lola, shut the fuck up and just go and shag him." She says and I shake my head.

"I-I can't." I'm terrified, I hate the group of people I hang around with. I hate this place.

"It's no big deal, it's not like you're a virgin!" She screams and I feel the cold air start to get to me. I am a virgin. I mean, I'm sixteen, of course I am. But I couldn't let her know that.

"I just don't want to. I'm so scared." I say and shiver as I start to get goosebumps. My words are stuttered as my teeth chatter.

She slaps me again and I wince. "I know you are, you're like a fucking kid! Just do it and stop being such a winging bitch!" She slaps me one more time and I feel the sting course through me.

"I don't want to, Stephanie. He could have diseases and everything." I say and cry again.

"Just fucking do it against her will." She says and I gasp.

"No! No, please don't!" I cry, feeling my heart beat faster and faster as he smiles evilly.

He walks over to me and I try to back away but there's nowhere to run.

"Please, please don't." I cry but he just gets closer and closer.

Soon enough, he's on top of me and I'm crying out and struggling, but it's no use.

"H-Help me." I cough, feeling myself choke on my own spit. I cough and cough but it's like they can't hear me.

All I have on is my underwear and all I want is to be somewhere warm, I want to be somewhere where I belong, where everyone loves me and cares for me. I've never found a place like that.

I watch as he goes to undo his jeans and let's go of me.

I try and get up, but he throws me back down, my head hitting the floor with a loud bang.

Everything's blurry and moving slower. I feel so weak and sad. I just close my eyes and feel pain erupt inside of me.

I scream and scream, but he doesn't stop. I look at his...thing to see there's a condom on it and feel the slightest bit relieved.

It stops hurting as much, but it still hurts and I'm crying a pool of tears as he feels me up.

Soon enough, he's finished with me and I look at the blood on the floor and flinch.

"You're a virgin?" Stephanie says and I nod. "Wow."

I shake my head at her and put my knickers and shorts back on, before feeling a rough hand on my waist.

"I feel like round two, don't you?" He whispers in my ear and I gasp, getting up and running as fast as I can.

It's freezing and I'm only in a bra and shorts in the dark. My tears feel like they're turning into ice on my cheeks as I run to the abandoned neighbourhood.

I race to a random house. The door is open and it feels warm inside.

I run inside to be met by a tall man who looks around eighteen towering over me.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter as he narrows his eyes at me.

He looks me up and down with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll leave, I thought it was empty in here." I say and go to turn around.

"Who are you?" He asks and I look at him.

"Um, I-I don't want to tell you." I stutter.

"I'll let you stay if you do." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I'd rather stay in a different house, you could be a serial killer." I say and he chuckles.

"But if you go to any other house, I could easily break in. The doors are left open." He says and I purse my lips.

"I'm Lola Edwards, I've been homeless for a year since my adopted parents kicked me out. I'm seventeen in a week. I don't know where I'm from but I live here. I've had probably the shittiest education in the world and I'm going to get beaten up tomorrow. Your turn."

"Michael Clifford." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"That's it?" I say and he nods.

"I don't like telling people anymore than that, especially people who don't deserve to know." He says harshly and I nod.

"Um, could I borrow a shirt please?" I ask and he nods.

"Follow me." He says as he walks up the stairs, my legs hurt as I walk and I grip the banister.

I didn't even notice the pain before, I was so scared. But now it hits me hard.

"Take your time." He says from the top of the stairs and I sigh.

I'm trying to walk up but it's killing me. My head starts to spin slightly and I gasp.

"I..." I say and feel myself drifting away. "Keep me awake." I try and keep hold of the banister but I can feel myself losing my grip.

Before I know it, my eyes are closed and I can't hear or see anything. It's total bliss.

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