Chapter 3

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I watch as her lifeless body tumbles down the stairs.

She lies at the bottom of them, her body spread out.

I try to ignore the fact that she's only wearing shorts and underwear and that she's gorgeous and take her into the kitchen.

She's skinny and tanned with curves in all the right places. Even asleep, with mascara running down her face, she looks beautiful.

So forgive me for wanting her company for one night.

Plus, she'd obviously been in trouble. Some guy probably tried to feel her up or something.

I check her head for cuts and find there's none.

I check for a pulse and thank God when I find one. I can see her breathing softly and she looks at peace.

I don't know what to do, so I just take her upstairs and put her into the spare room.

Then, I do my routine again.


"Michael?" I wake up to an unfamiliar voice and my body being shook.

"What?" I spit and roll over and Lola looks scared for a minute before recovering.

"There's somebody knocking on your door, I don't know who they are they're just screaming your name. It sounds like a man." She says cautiously.

I groan and get up, pushing past her. She still hasn't got a top on, but I prefer it that way.

I walk down the stairs and look through the keyhole. Sure enough, it's Kenny.

I grab my gun and open the door. Grabbing his collar, I pull him inside and slam the door behind me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I say, the gun pointed at his head.

"I smoked your weed." He says, a goofy smile on his face.

"You fucking bet your ass you did, now leave and don't come back you dumb shit. You can find someone else to supply you." I say and open the door before pushing him outside. "Fucking Kenny." I mutter and look up to see Lola at the top of the stairs.

I run up the stairs to her and she looks terrified. She turns around and runs into the bedroom she was staying in. She reaches for the window, but she's too late.

I grab her waist and pull her down.

"If anyone finds out about this, I will kill you." I say and she gulps. "Do you understand?" She nods furiously.

"Say it." I growl and her eyes go wide.

"Y-Yes, I understand."

"Good." I say and walk away, before remembering something. I turn around and look her up and down. She immediately covers her chest by crossing her arms over it. "What happened before you came here?"

"I'd rather not say." She says and I shrug.

"Leave." I say and she opens her mouth to say something, but I just point to the door.

"Please, I-"

"Tell me or you can go." I say and she glares at me.

"Can I at least have a shirt first?" She asks and I nod, grabbing one out of the wardrobe and throwing it at her.

It hits her in the face and she laughs slightly before putting it on and sits down, crossing her legs and turning to face me as I sit opposite her.

"Okay, so, my supposed friend and I were walking around, we were going to meet the rest of our group. So, when we were walking a man came up to us and gagged us before dragging us into his house.

"He sat us both down and said he'd let us go as soon as I..." She gulps. "As soon as I had sex with him." She runs a hand through her dark brown hair.

"So, I said I wouldn't do it. I mean, before tonight I was a virgin. I didn't tell anyone else this, I'd be an outcast and then they'd probably force me to do it with one of them.

"So my friend was screaming at me and slapping me over and over again. Saying that I had to do it until eventually she told him he could do it against my will." She laughs dryly. "And he did. He took my virginity. That was the reason I couldn't get up the stairs, and my head was spinning because he whacked my head against the floor." A tear rolls down her cheek but she's quick to wipe it away. "So there." She shrugs and looks up at me, I feel so sorry for her, I haven't felt sorry for anyone in a long time, but I know she wasn't made for this type of shit, she really cares about keeping her dignity and she's too sensitive.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"No you're not, you don't care. No one does." She says and rolls her eyes. "You know, my friend watched me in pain. She saw the blood all over the floor and listened to me cry and scream. And when she knew I was a virgin, all she said was 'wow'." She scoffs.

"I do care." I say, I'm really awkward in these type of situations, which is one of the reasons I don't build relationships with people or get close to them.

"Why? Why would you? I have my whole life set out for me. I'll live like this until I become suicidal and probably take an overdose or something, and no one will remember me." She shrugs. "There's no reason to care." She looks like she can just burst into tears. "But that's not your problem, so let's just forget about it."

"Why did your adopted parents kick you out?" I can't stop myself from asking.

"Please don't ask me anymore questions." She says and I can tell she's done.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I say and stand up, going to walk away.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"To bed, it's six in the morning. I've got three hours of sleep left." I say and she frowns slightly.

"Oh, um, goodnight then." She attempts to smile and I return it.

"Do you..." I start before running a hand through my hair. "I mean, since you have no place to stay, you could...You could maybe stay here for a while?" I say and she smiles brightly, making my edges of my lips turn up.

"If you don't mind." She bites her lip and I nod.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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