Nagito Komaeda X Energetic Female Reader (lemon)

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P.O.V 3rd person {O} 6:48 P.M
(Y/n)-"chiaki! What do I wear! I don't want to be late but I also don't want to look dull!"
Chiaki-"(y/n) calm down. You'll be fine! Nagito won't judge you for what you wear, just pick something out and I bet you'll look fine."
(Y/n)-" That's easy for you to say! You look good in anything! I could throw a trash bag on you and you'd still look good! Oh I know what I can wear!"
I say as I throw on a outfit I bought a couple days ago! I was getting ready to go on a double date with Komaeda and Hajime, but I was having a little trouble picking out what to wear. Chiaki was already ready, waiting for me to finish up, but I'm a bit slow when it comes to this type of stuff. I guess there's a reason I'm the ultimate toy maker. It takes perfection to make them right! I still can't believe it, Komaeda asked me to go with him and Hajime to an amusement park! Chiaki felt so honored too. When we came to my house from school we were practically jumping up and down!
(Y/n)-"I'm ready!" I say as I slowly walk out the bathroom.
Chiaki-"wow. (Y/n) you look great." The gamer says in awe.
(Y/n)-" do you think so? I think an open sweater can complete the look, don't you think?"
Chiaki-" yeah and maybe you can add a little bow!"
(Y/n)-" hmm ok how's this?!"
Chiaki-" oh my, you look so cute (y/n)!"
(Y/n)-"thanks chiaki, let's get going! I bet the boys are tired of waiting for us!"
Chiaki nods in agreement and we both go outside and begin walking to the amusement park. On our way, we met up with Peko and Fuyuhiko. We talked about random topics until Fuyuhiko brought up a weird statement.
Fuyuhiko-"So you two are on a double date?"
Chiaki-"yeah, what about it?"
Fuyuhiko-"hmm? nothing, nothing Mabey I'll ask the guys later."
(Y/n)-"are you joining us to the amusement park! If you do it would make it so much more fun!"
Peko-" I would love to join you guys!"
You nod and turn to smile at Fuyuhiko.
Fuyuhiko-"If Peko says it's ok then it's also ok with me."
(Y/n)-"yayyyy! This is going to be great!"
You say running up ahead. The park was far from your home so it took you a while to walk there. You where almost at the entrance before you spotted a wild Komaeda and Hajime.
(Y/n)-"Hey guys! You say as you wave like a crazy lunatic.
Komaeda-"Oh, hello (y/n)!"
(Y/n)-"Hello mate!"
Hajime-"Hey (y/n)! Hi C-Chiaki, you look good tonight!" Hinata says with a crimson blush spread across his cheeks. So cute!
Chiaki-"Hi Hajime, you look good too!"
Fuyuhiko-"well, let's get going then."
Fuyuhiko says as he's crossing his arm.
(Y/n)-"oh YAEH, I forgot to tell you that Peko and Fuyuhiko will be joining us tonight!"
Hajime-"Oh, ok then, the more the merrier!"
You all walk up to the payment Booth and pay for your entrance pass. Fuyuhiko payed for his and Peko's pass
The same goes with Hajime paying for his and chiaki's pass. Once it was your turn to pay you hand the booth worker your money but are quickly cut off by Komaeda's hand giving the worker his money. The worker thanks you and gives you your pass. You all enter the gates and wait for the security guards to check your belongings.
(Y/n)-"Hey Komaeda, why did you pay for my pass?"
Komaeda-" I'm the one who invited you, I'm not going to let you pay."
He said in a serious tone which made you a little excited.
(Y/n)-"Ok sir!" You said with a salute. Komaeda blushes a deep Crimson color from seeing you act like a little obedient child. You where a toy maker so you should be a bit childish. It was your guys turn for the pat down, in which Fuyuhiko was the first one to get pat down. Next being Hajime, chiaki, Peko, and komaeda, leaving you last. Once you go up for the pat down, the guard gave you a lustful grin. He begins to touch places even you wouldn't touch purposely.
Komaeda POV switch
I watch as the guard continues to keep touching (y/n) inappropriately.
That's it! I grab her stuff and pull her by the hand away from that perv.
Komaeda-"let's go (Y/n)!"
I turn back to glare at the pervert and see him grin back.
(Y/n)-"T-Thank you!"
(Y/n) says with a blush on her cheeks.
Komaeda-"no problem, I wasn't going to let that pervert touch you any more!"
(Y/n)-"heh! Did it make you jealous~!"
Komaeda-"h-huh, of course not hehe!"
I say waving my hands in denial. Truth was, I was jealous. We walk up to the rest of the group and continue walking past the gift shops. We could go later when we are leaving.
Fuyuhiko-"So which ride do you guys want to go on first?"
Chiaki-"how about that one with the scary looking loops!"
(Y/n)-" YEAH, I've never rode a roller coaster before but I bet it's going to be great!"
All-"What! You've never ridden a roller coaster before?!"
(Y/n)-"heh, I've been too much of a little kid to ride them!"
She says rubbing the back of her neck.
(Y/n)-"But if y'all are going on it then I will too!"
Peko-"(y/n) you don't have to go just because of us. If you don't want to go then it's fine."
(Y/n)-"Nein, I will go on, it's about time I ride one of these!"
Hajime-"well let's go then!"
We all wait in line, which was luckily short , and go onto the ride. We all sat with our partners in a two seat cart with Fuyuhiko & Peko in the front, me and (y/n) in the second cart, and hajime & Chiaki behind us.
(Y/n)-"are you guys ready!"
(Y/n) says as the ride begins going up a big hill.
Fuyuhiko-"ha, you bet!"
Peko, hajime, chiaki, and komaeda- "right back at you!"
The cart stops for a moment and zooms down at full speed. We all scream in joy and fell the cool air against our skin. I see (y/n) smiling and throwing her hands up. The rest see this and proceed to do the same. I join as well and we all continue having fun on the ride! Once the ride comes to a stop, we all step out and walk to a game stand.
(Y/n)-"you guys want to have a friendly competition?!"
(Y/n) says pointing to a game where you roll balls to move your horse to the other side.
Fuyuhiko-"ha this game is for little kids! I could easily beat all of you
Hajime-"ha game on!"
Peko-"count me in too!"
Chiaki-"I'm only good at video games but I can manage!"
(Y/n)-" what about you komaeda? Want to join!?"
Komaeda-"um yeah sure!"
We all got in a seat and payed the worker 5 dollars each. I was the number 1 horse, (Y/n) was the number 2 horse, Fuyuhiko was the number 3 horse, Peko was the number 4 horse, Hajime was the number 5 horse, and Chiaki was the number 6 horse. The worker starts the game and a count down began. Once the game begun balls start rolling down and we all started rolling the balls, trying to get as many points possible.
Fuyuhiko-" come on you dumb horse, can you go any slower!
Fuyuhiko says cursing the horse.
Hajime-" ha, guess I chose a good horse!"
Komaeda-"I can't say the same, maybe my luck has ran out."
Peko-"woah, (y/n) and chiaki are head to head."
We all look and see who won, but are surprised to see its a tie between (Y/n) and Chiaki.
Worker-" wow I've never seen anything like this, I guess both you young ladies win a prize!"
Peko-"woah how did you guys do that?!"
Chiaki-"well I guess I'm the ultimate gamer but that's just a guess."
(Y/n)-" hah, well since I never ride roller coasters, I usually just play the games. I've played so many games that I've become a master!"
Hajime-"impressive she's played so much that she can tie with a ultimate gamer, then again it's not a video game so maybe that held chiaki back?"
(Y/n)-" I also play video games but not as good as chiaki!"
Worker-"so what would you two like?!"
Chiaki-"hmmm, I'll take the magical bunny."
Worker-"here you go m'am, and you little lady?!"
(Y/n)-"umm, I'll take the (favorite monocub color) bear! I can see so much hope in its eyes!"
Worker-"here you go!"
Chikaki & (Y/n)-" Thank you!"
Worker-"no problem, have a good day!"
Peko-"well that was fun! What do you guys want to do now?"
Fuyuhiko-"let go to the haunted house!"
(Y/n)-"good idea Fuyu~. Didn't expect any less from you!"
Fuyuhiko-"let's go then!"
Both of them went running in, leaving us behind.
Chiaki, Peko & hajime- we're not good with haunted houses. We'll stay here waiting for you guys."
Fuyuhiko-"alright it won't take long!"
They go in the house, we all wait for them to exit. I'll admit I was a little jealous that (Y/n) was with Fuyuhiko, but I still knew that they were just good friends. I bet Peko is feeling the same.
Komaeda-"don't worry Peko, they are only friends, plus I won't let Fuyuhiko take (Y/n) away from me!"
Peko-"yeah I know, but I think you should get a hold of yourself. Your eyes are spinning."
Komaeda-" huh,oh, ok, I will."
(Y/n) POV switch
As me and Fuyuhiko were walking threw the haunted house we joke around about the props used in the house.
Fuyuhiko-"haha, that ghost looks like a piece of shit, but seriously though, what are your thoughts on komaeda?"
(Y/n)-" huh, well I think he's really nice and I see so much hope in him, sure he's a lil scary, but no one is perfect!"
Fuyuhiko-"what do you mean he's a little Scary? For all the time I've known him, I get he's a little crazy about hope and all that, but I don't get what you mean about "a lil scary."
(Y/n)-"um if I see him doing something weird, I'll tell you. He's probably mad right now so watch him when we come back to them."
Fuyuhiko-"hmm ok, ok, so would you leave him to come with me?"
(Y/n)-"huh, I- .. I b-b-"
Fuyuhiko-"hahahhahahahhaha I'm just kidding. I would never leave Peko. Just like you would never leave komaeda."
Fuyuhiko-"come on lighten up!"
(Y/n)-" hehe ok , let's keep going or the other will get worried."
We finish walking through the house and see the rest of the group sitting on a bench talking.
(Y/n)-"Hey guys!"
Komaeda-Ah, (Y/n)! You're back!"
Komaeda says grabbing your wrist and with his other hand, wrapping it around your waist, giving you a tight hug.
Komaeda-"don't leave me alone ever again or I'll have to chain you up and tie you down."
(Y/n)-"heh,I make no promises~!"
I push komaeda away and walk to Fuyuhiko.
(Y/n)-"*whisper* see that's what I mean, he's a lil scary sometimes!"
Fuyuhiko-"hmm I see, he's a sadist. Are you a masochist?"
(Y/n)-"hmmmmm, I do like getting spanked!"
Fuyuhiko-"well there you go, problem solved."
Fuyuhiko says as he puts his hand in his pockets.
Chiaki-"the sun is starting to go down, should we ride one last ride?"
Peko-" I was hoping we could ride something where we all can be together."
Hajime-"hm, how about that ride over there!"
Hajime says pointing to a Ferris wheel that could fit 6 people.
(Y/n)-"it's perfect, let's go!"
We all run up to the entrance and are put in the 2nd cart. The wheel starts spinning and slowly we make are way to the top. Once we make it to the top Fuyuhiko was blushing and confusing his feeling, well more like tried.
Fuyuhiko-"Peko I-I know we've been F-friends for a long time and I-I I've never wanted a T-tool, I only you and I want you T-to-AHHHH WHY CANT I JUST FUCKING SAY IT!"
Fuyuhiko then slams the window with his hand and kisses Peko, which caught her off by surprise. She slowly gives in and returns the kiss. Chiaki, sees this and shrugs her shoulder.
She closes in on hajimes face and gives him a gentle kiss. With wide eyes hajime wraps his arm around Chiaki and soaks into the kiss. You sat there quietly watching your friends have fun, but then komaeda grabbed your chin and made you face him.
He cuts you off and slowly leans in.
Komaeda-"(Y/n) call me Nagito!"
He then slams his lips onto yours and you quietly let him explore the inside of your mouth. Once he was done exploring, a single string of saliva was the only thing keeping you two connected. Once the ride came to a end, you all exist the park and walk to thy gift shop.
Chiaki-"this is a cute key chain."
Hajime-{mind} why does it look like me?
Chiaki-"hey Hajime! Don't you think this is cute?"
Hajime-"um yeah, it looks really cute."
Chiaki-" I think it looks cute because it look likes you!"
Hajime-" heheh, so it wasn't just me who thought it look a bit like me?!"
Chiaki-"Hey, Hey. We should get matching keychains! I'll get this one that looks like you and you can get one that looks like me!"
Hajime-"Y-yeah, I would like that!"
Fuyuhiko-"Peko I found a keychain that looks like you! It has braided silver hair with a little flower in it's  hand."
Peko-"Fuyuhiko, I also found one that looks like you!"
Fuyuhiko-"Peko? What happened to calling me young master?!"
Fuyuhiko says with a smug face.
Peko-"e-um, you don't like when I call you Fuyuhiko? I'm sorry young master! I just thought that since you kiss and confessed to me I could-"
Fuyuhiko-"it's fine Peko, I don't mind."
Peko looks into Fuyuhiko's eyes and gives him a tight hug.
(Y/n)-" um that's a cute keychain, don't you think?"
Komaeda-"hey (Y/n), why are you so shy?!"
(Y/n)-"um, it's just a bit awkward when I'm near you."
Komaeda-"was it because of the kiss? If it is, I'll just say that was the luckiest moment of my life!"
(Y/n)-"It's just, that was my first kiss, and I couldn't ask for more."
Komaeda-"Ahh, I see, I was your first. Well let me tell you, you were my first too!"
(Y/n)-"really? I would have thought you had hoes left and right!"
Komaeda-"heheh, don't say that (Y/n) you're supposed to be a good girl! And I do get a lot of girls, but once they see my crazy side, they get scared and run away. Plus they are all thots so I'm not interested."
(Y/n)-"Ohh, I see! Is that why I'm special to you?!"
Komaeda-"yes, I don't want you to run away from me! And you're not a ThOt!"
(Y/n)-"Hehehwhhajl, thanks Komaeda that makes me feel way better!"
Komaeda-"(Y/n), I told you to call me Nagito."
(Y/n)-"sorry, I'm just so used to calling you Komaeda! I find it a bit rude to call you Nagito!"
Komaeda-"ha, well if you don't stop calling me Komaeda I think I might punish you~!"
(Y/n)-"huh, I thought I was a good boy?"
You said with a innocent face. Dang that made Nagito Blush like the lava that killed you in Minecraft.
(Y/n)-"Anyways, let's get matching keychains like the rest of the group!
You can have this one! See it has (e/c) eyes like me! It also has (h/l) (H/c) like mines!"
Komaeda-"and I guess you'll get this one since it has white hair with other similar features."
You all pay for your items, and walk out the park completely. You all walk together to a nearby hotel since the amusement park was pretty far from your home and it was too dark to walk outside.
Fuyuhiko-* whispers to Hajime and komaeda * "hey guys, are you guys,... Going to get some?"
Hajime-"w-What? Noooooo *wispers* I'm hopeful that chiaki will let me."
Komaeda-"Haha, I don't think I'm that lucky!"
Nagito says rubbing the back of his neck.
Fuyuhiko-"well, just in case you get to smash, I'll give you two these."
Hajime-"umm. This is a XL condom? A normal one would have been fine?"
Komaeda-"ha, this is great! Only problem is, I think this is too small."
Fuyuhiko-" well work with what you have."
Fuyuhiko said crossing his arms
We arrived at the hotel and start to book our room.
Hotel worker-"umm, I'm sorry but our rooms only fit two people each, y'all would need separate rooms."
Peko-" That's fine. Me and Fuyuhiko can share a room."
Chiaki-" yeah. And me and hajime can share a room."
Komaeda-"I guess that leaves me with (Y/N)!"
Hotel worker-"ok that will be 270 dollars!"
We all split the bill and walk to our rooms.
(Y/n)-"well I see you guys tomorrow!"
*closes door*
(Y/n)-" well let's go to sleep Nagito! Eh?!"
Komaeda-"hmm, What's wrong?"
(Y/n)-"T-There is only one bed?"
Komaeda-"Well the worker did say the room can only fit two people."
(Y/n)-"hmm, ok I'll make this work. I'll sleep on the floor! You can have the bed!"
Komaeda-"(y-y/n) I'm not letting you sleep on the floor!"
(Y/n)-" I'm not letting *you* sleep on the floor!"
Komaeda-"none of us have to sleep on the floor, we'll just share the bed."
(Y/n)-"I guess that's fine."
Komaeda-"don't be so shy, it's only for one night!"
(Y/n)-"I guess. I CALL LEFT SIDE!"
You yell as you jump onto the bed. Komaeda sweetly smiles at you and joins you in bed. He takes off his sweater and shirt and is left in his pants.
(Y/n)-"umm, is it ok if I can turn the AC on, it's a lil hot in here."
Komaeda-"ha yeah I don't mind but you can just take off your clothes."
(Y/n)-"no thanks, I'll just turn on the air."
I turn on the AC and I feel a cold breeze hit me in the face. I return back to the bed and turn off the lights. The only light source left was from the large windows that was illuminating the city's lights. With a big curtain covering it there was still a lot of light shining through. You laid there in the dark waiting for sleep to take over you, but it never came. You decide to make small talk with Nagito to pass some time.
(Y/n)-"H-Hey Nagito. When did you met Fuyuhiko?"
(Y/n)-"I-I'm sorry are you asleep?!"
(Y/n)-"sorry I'll leave you alone!"
Komaeda-" why do you always have to bring up Fuyuhiko in every conversation? Ever since we've met you always find a way to bring him up. Why do you care so much about him? I get I'm a piece of trash that has no reason to be near you or even call you a friend. Why can't you just love me?!"
(Y/n)-"Nagito I do love you! Fuyuhiko is just my best friend and I thought you would understand that. I don't want you to get mad at him because of me."
Komaeda-"it's not that I don't like him he's also my best friend, but I can't help but feel despair when you two get along."
(Y/n)-"I'm sorry Nagito! If you told me sooner I could have made you happy."
With that Nagito grabbed your wrist and pin you down on the bed.
(Y/n)-"N-Nagito what's going on?!"
Komaeda-"ahhhhhh I want to chain you up. Oh, I want to tie you down, but you're too much of a good, pure girl~~! So I'll be gentle on you~"
(Y/n)-"komaeda stop it. You're scaring me."
Komaeda-"oh (Y/n) why don't we have a little fun tonight~!"
(Y/n)-"ok what game are we g-going to play I can make something q-quick.?"
Komaeda-"ahh I love that you have such a pure mind. I'm glad I'm the one who will corrupt you~!"
(Y/n)-"I can make a d-doll really quick."
Komaeda-"no need (Y/n). We're going to play trains! I'll be the train and you can be the train tracks~!"
(Y/n)-"ok w-what do I do?"
Komaeda-"don't worry I'll do all the work all you have to do is stay still!"
With that he grabs your clothing and slowly admires your body. You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he did that.
Komaeda-"ok (Y/n), my train is about to enter your train tracks. This might hurt a bit but it will fell much better after a while just tell me if you want me to stop."
With that Komaeda took off his pants and boxer and was only left with a very long train. By the looks of it, it was probably 6 inches. Definitely longer than an average train toy, but it looked nothing like a train. More like a peepee. Nagito slowly put his train inside your tracks and you felt a sharp pain when he did. Nagito continues to enter slowly and after a while the pain finally went away.
Komaeda-"look at you, we've only started and you're already this wet. You sure are a bad girl~"
(Y/n)-"I'm sorry Nagito! I won't do anything to make you mad!"
Komaeda-"I'm going to go faster ok~"
Nagito then started thrusting in and out of my woman hood and kept pounding on me making slapping sounds. He let out small grunts and kept going. I on the other hand was a mess. I was panting and letting out load moans. Then Komaeda suddenly stopped. I look at him with half lidded eyes and panted like a dog.
Komaeda-"do you want more~?"
(Y/n)-"y-Yes sir."
Komaeda-"well you have to beg harder than that!"
He yelled spanking you on the behind.
(Y/n)-"Ahhhhhh!" You moan as you feel the stinging sensation on your behind.
Komaeda-"come on (Y/n). Beg for it!"
(Y/n)-"Nagito can I-I have more of your train?"
(Y/n)-"Nagito! Please give me your sweet train! I want it more than anything else!~"
Komaeda-"better, but call me master."
(Y/n)-"ok Nagito-"
Komaeda-"I Said call me MASTER!"
(Y/n)-"Master, please give me more of your train. I need you inside me~!"
Komaeda-"ahhhhh you're so cute. I'll make sure you see a heaven you'll never want to leave!"
Komaeda then pounds into you at an amazing speed, you felt your legs give up and let komaeda do his thing.
Komaeda-"(Y/n) I'm about to cum!"
(Y/n)-"I am too!"
As Komaeda gives his final trusts. You feel a warm liquid flow outside you. This was the heaven Nagito was talking about. He pulls out of you and throws away a big balloon. He comes back and hold you in a tight embrace.
Komaeda-"well that was fun, I hope we can play trains sometime soon!"
(Y/n)-" y-yeah."
With that you both fall asleep and dream the sweetest dreams.
{next morning}
You wake up in Nagitos arms completely naked. You remember what happened last night and sigh to yourself. That was fun. You get dressed and walk to the hotels breakfast room. You find Peko, Fuyuhiko, chiaki, and hajime there.
(Y/n)-"hey guys!"
Chiaki-"oh hey (Y/n)! Where's Komaeda?"
(Y/n)-"He's still sleeping."
Peko-"well how about we just eat some breakfast as we wait for him to show up so we can cheek out the rooms?"
Hajime-"sounds good!"
After a couple minutes, Nagito showed up and ate breakfast with us! Peko was eating a sugar free yogurt with corn flake cereal. Fuyuhiko was eating some waffles with syrup, the Same as chiaki. Hajime had a bagel with eggs and cheese. Nagito was eating a bowl of cereal  and you were eating (favorite/breakfast/meal).
Fuyuhiko-"hey, did you guys.. Get some!?"
Hajime-"ha you bet last night was great!  What about you?"
Fuyuhiko-" you already know. I got some too. Best night I've ever had!"
Hajime-"what about you Nagito?"
Nagito-"I had a lot of fun last night!
I definitely got some!"
Hajime-" you all were great don't be ashamed of yourself!"
Girls-"let's just go!"
We all cheek out our room and walk out the hotel. We all made it home safe and we all decided we would all go to the movies next week. Can't wait for that!
Komaeda-"see you later (Y/n!)"
(Y/n)-"see you later too Nagito."
You say as you go on your tippytoes and gently kiss him on the nose. You hug Nagito and wave each other goodbye.
(Y/n)-"Next time, I hope me and Nagito will have even more fun!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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