End of the Line

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Oh please, don't leave me

Don't let your heart let go

We'll find a way

The journey has only begun

Is this the end of the line?

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To say I was surprised to see Harry would be an understatement. I could hardly believe Zayn had shown up here, let alone Harry and Louis. Louis put his hands in his pockets and looked away from me as soon as we made eye contact.

"Harry, I think we better leave." Louis grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away. In response, Harry jerked away and stuck his finger in my direction.

"No! No,I-I wanna know, Kate. Why ar-are you goin' back to him? Why not me?" His words were dripping with alcohol. I could tell he'd been at a bar. He smelt like one too. "You know I love you." He reached out for me, but Zayn would have none of it. He held out his arm to block Harry from making any sort of contact. I stood there, frozen in the moment, unsure what to say. Harry bounced back from the sudden barrier.

"Harry, I-I..." I started, but he cut me off.

"No! Don't make up some excuse like I know you will." He pointed at Zayn who stood there just as shocked as I. He didn't know what to say either. "This? This is who you're leaving me for?"

"Harry! We were never together. I never left you for Zayn," I found myself shouting at him.

"So you left Zayn for me?"

"I never left Zayn for anyone!" We were both yelling louder at this point. Louis was still trying to subtly pull Harry away, but it was no use.

"No you just cheated on him." I turned around. I had almost forgotten Sherry was standing there. I ignored her, though. I had bigger pressing issues than a disappointed friend. I turned back to the boys.

I took one look at Zayn. His face was so dumbfounded it made me want to cry. I had to fight back my tears. Louis still looked like he regretted bringing Harry here. I tried to have our eyes meet, but he only stood silent. 

I couldn't believe it was me who had caused all of these issues. I had ruined so many lives close to me and those who I didn't know at all. There was no question on anyone's mind that One Direction was completely screwed. But now I was messing with the hearts of so many young, innocent girls whose minds have been tampered with.

I was in deep. Once you mess with a member of One Direction, you mess with a Directioner. If anyone found out I was the girl who did all this, I would be bombarded with hate and threats. I didn't think I could deal with all this hate if I was going to have this child. It couldn't be forced to live the life of a sensation-killing love child. I had to fix this. I knew what I had to do. 

"Look Harry, Zayn." I looked back and forth into both of their eyes. "I'm sorry."

I turned to Harry. "Harry, I didn't mean to drag you into this. I know what I did with you was wrong. I shouldn't have slept with you. It wasn't fair to mess around with you and then think everything would be okay. I messed with all of our hearts here. We can't be together. But I want to be your friend...if you'd let me be your friend, that is."

He turned away from me and began wiping the sweat off of his face. He continuously and slowly walked around in circles. I saw him start to cry and felt my heart drop. He didn't need to cry now.

I looked at Zayn. "And I am so so sorry for ruining our relationship. We did have something special. I've always felt like you were the one. I love you so much; I always will. Please take me back." I looked into his eyes. They were filled with tears that matched mine.

I whispered trying to only let him hear. "We could be a family." Zayn smiled. It was the nicest sight I'd seen in months.

Despite his sudden joy, Zayn gently brushed past me. He stood facing Harry who looked like he was about to fall to the floor. He began to pull himself together when Zayn reached out his hand.

There was an odd silence before Zayn said, "Maybe we could try and be friends. And get One Direction together. We were having the time of our lives."

Harry stopped crying and began to laugh. He threw his hands up in the air and slapped them on his thighs. He didn't shake Zayn's hand; he slapped it as if he was giving a low-five.

"I don't think so," Harry laughed. He backed slowly away. "I do not think so." He disappeared around the corner. I knew I wasn't the only one standing there flabbergasted. I think we all had our mouths hanging open.

But I had a feeling I was the only one out of the four of us to drop to the floor in waterworks. I knew it was over. When Harry said something, he meant it.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I know it's been a while since the last update. Please be patient with me. We've just moved into our new house, and I have a lot of work to be doing to catch up.

WOW!! Over 4,000 views?!?!?! That's crazy! Thanks for all of those who read, comment, vote, and fan me! I love you guys! Keep it up! You guys rock!

I really think this song I posted with this chapter is perfect for this story. Past, present, and future. 


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