Time Bomb

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Got my heart in your hands, like a time bomb ticking

It goes off, we start again

When it breaks, we fix it

Got your heart in my hands, like a time bomb ticking

We should know better,

But we won't let go

- - - - - - - - - - -

I lay in bed that night thinking of everything that happen that night. I tried to wrap my head around the idea of what I've just done. I just ended my marriage -marriage- to Zayn. It was a spur of the moment thought. One where I was ruining everything. But now, laying alone in my bed, I began to rethink that thought.

What if Zayn really meant the words he was saying? What if I hadn't ruined everything? What if this was where we were all supposed to be?

I couldn't answer any of those questions. Hell, I don't think Zayn could either. Only God truly knew.

My phone was laying next to me on the side table. It  kept ringing and I received text message after text message. I decided after an hour to pick it up and look. It said I had 27 missed calls and 63 new text messages. All from Zayn. I scrolled through. They all said basically the same thing. "Please call me" or "We need to talk". The messages on my voice mail were all like that too. He was getting desperate.

I slapped the phone on the table, causing it to bounce off and hit the carpet below. My eyes began to drip with tears. I wiped them repeaditly, but it felt like the tears were too powerful. They kept coming. I held my hands to my eyes. I didn't need to be feeling this way. My body rolled around the bed, and I heard screams of sorrow. Was that from me? 

In the midst of it all, I heard a pounding. I abruptly sat up, tears still streaming, and stared at the closed door leading to the living room. The pounding continued. I felt my heart beat in my chest, and my face start to dry. The noise was obviously not coming from in this room, but where?

I slowly removed myself from sitting and started on my tip toes for the door.  I opened it quietly, trying not to make any noise. I stood empty between the living room and the kitchenette. I listened.

The pounding was coming from my front door. It got louder as I gained slow ground towards it. As I reached the door, I heard a muffled voice behind it. I couldn't exactly understand it, but I could swear I've heard it before. My hand reached cautiously for the door. I turned it slowly, afraid of what I was going to find. Standing in the doorway was a face I've seen so many times before.

"Zayn," I cried. I mean, I legitamently cried.

"Kate, oh Kate!" He wrapped his arms around me. 

I feel limp in his arms. "Forgive me!" I wept. "Please."

He shushed me, holding me tightly and patting my head. "Shh, everything's going to be alright." We stood in the door for a moment.

That's when the pain it me like a ton of bricks.

- - - - - - 

Sorry this is such a short chapter. I promise the next will be very dramatic and crap.

Thanks for reading! 


P.S. Check out my new story "Under the Lights" 

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