Chapter 2

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Despite all the stretching I did before tryouts, when I woke up my legs were beyond sore. Maybe I could book a massage at my gym later today. Dance team announcements were to be made around seven tonight at the basketball game. Everyone who tried out is required to show up dressed nice. As I was getting dressed, I sent a text to Gwen and Shai.

'Y'all down for a spa day? It'll be my treat!'

They were both quick to respond with a yes. After the spa, we're supposed to got to Gwen's dorm to get all glammed up for the game. I threw on some comfy clothes and packed some things in by bag for later. This massage was highly needed.

Four hours later...

Gwendalyn was practically beaming when we got to her dorm. "Hot damn that massage was good! Okay ladies let's get this show on the road. Shai, you my dear, get to go first." Shai as usual looked uninterested. However as soon as Gwen pulled out her larger than life makeup collection, Shai shot a desperate look in my direction and mouthed 'help me'. Much to her distaste I smirked "Gwen, you can't forget to curl her eyelashes."

A whole three hours and two Shai tantrums later, we were all dressed and ready to go. The whole entire ride there Gwen had been entertaining us with her dramatics. In the ten minute ride she had already cried twice. Now as we were walking in she was giving us a 'pep' talk. "Everything will be okay, I repeat everything will be okay" Did I mention that she talks like a southern belle, well she does and it makes everything sound way more dramatic than she's already making it. "If only one of us makes it we have to promise not to hate each other, no matter how this turns out we must stay close. I just wouldn't be able to go on if we lost touch." Shai and I shared an exasperated look as she rambled. "Y'all need a Kleenex, I have plenty." Finally Shai took Gwen by her shoulders. "Hey, everything will be fine okay. I know it. Just take a deep breath." This seemed to calm Gwen down as she started focusing on her breathing. "Gwen, relax. Everything happens for a reason, so we have no reason to worry tonight. Okay?" She shook her head, and grabbed us in for a group hug. "Yeah everything will be fine."

After Gwen calmed down, we sat down in the reserved section, although I still received the occasional stare. The game began and before we knew it, halftime rolled around. The current dance team took the court and danced to their routine. At the end, a girl grabbed the mic. "Before we leave you guys, the team and I would like to announce the talented dancers that made the team this year!" Gwen grabbed a hold of my hand and squeezed so tight, that I'm surprised she didn't break a finger. "Congratulations to Amarra West! Welcome to the family!" The words didn't register until Gwen and Shai practically smothered me with hugs. I was smiling so hard that my cheeks began to ache. "Oh my god!" I couldn't help but exclaim as I walked down the stairs to center court. I received lots of hugs before I stood next to my new teammates to listen for the other names. "Next we have, Shai Foster! Welcome to the family! I cheered as soon as they called her name. We linked arms as soon as she stood next to me. We both crossed our fingers that the next name they called was that of our peppy southern belle. "Up next we have Mira Lively!" I smiled but I didn't cheer when I heard the name. I watched as Gwen's face fell and she started to squirm. I made eye contact with her and gave her the biggest smile I could muster. I know she made it. I watched the other girl walk to the court and soon realized that it was the same girl that got in my face at tryouts. 'Well, that's just fantastic.' My negative thoughts quickly vanished as they got ready to call the last name. I crossed my fingers and even my toes. "Lastly, we'd like to welcome a very talented dance to our family. Congratulations to Gwendalyn Sparks!" The breath I didn't know I was holded fell from my mouth. Shai and I cheered and pulled Gwen in for a huge hug when she reached us, "We did it." Gwen whispered.


"You don't honestly believe in that Kissing Bench bullshit do you?" I was in the weight room talking to some of the guys on the team. "What's it matter to you?" I shot back. It had only been a few hours ago when I saw that beautiful girl sitting on that cursed bench alone. I couldn't let her do that to herself, no one deserves to be alone, especially not someone like her. I never saw myself settling down so soon, but I sealed my fate the moment I sat next to her. Call it what you want but ever since that moment I couldn't get her out of my head. She ran off before I could ask for her name. Not that I'm worried, I know I'll find her. I've been really busy prepping for the first football game of the season. Once the game is over, I'm going after her. 

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