Chapter 3

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              "Wake up! Rise and shine girls!" I groaned at the annoying voice in my ear. The girls had spent the night in my dorm and it was no surprise that Gwen was a morning person. "Get up, we've got a busy schedule today girls!" Shai let out a loud groan before throwing a pillow right in Gwen's face. I laughed as Gwen glared and threw it right back at her. "You know she's right Shai, we have to learn the halftime dance today. We perform tomorrow." The stress had already begun. Maybe we could stop for a coffee before practice. God knows I need caffeine to get through today.

Gwen and I had somehow managed to get Shai dressed and out of bed, and get coffee. The three of us made our way to the football field and began to stretch with the team. A few minutes later the captain came over. "Has anyone heard from Mira today?" I shook my head and looked around. It's the first day of practice and she's already messing up. We waited a few more minutes and when she never showed up, we began practice.

Four long hours later, we were starting to get the hag of the dance. "Good job new girls! I know it's a lot of work but you guys are handling it very well! Keep up the good wo-" She was interrupted by a high pitched nasal voice. "I'm here! I'm here! We can start now." I looked over to Gwen and snickered. She really thought. "Mira we take this very seriously and we don't wait around for people who are late! Take ten laps around the green and you're benched for this performance, we've already taught the dance! Practice is dismissed, please go over everything tonight, we'll have cuts tomorrow morning before the game." I nodded my head even though all I could think about was going back to my dorm and taking a nap. Gwen and Shai invited me to go out for smoothies but I declined, my bed was calling. We did make plans to get dressed at Gwen's dorm before the game. As I walked to my dorm I still got the occasional stares due to the whole bench incident. I'm curious as to why they call it the kissing booth but I'm too tired to care.

Waking up will forever be my least favorite part of the day. I quickly went over the dance in front of my mirror. I lost track of time and practically ran to the field. Thankfully I made it just in time. "Alright team let's make this quick, we only have the field for thirty minutes before the football team needs it." They broke us down into groups, and one by one each group performed. At the end, only one person besides Mira got cut. "Okay everyone I want to see you in the locker room no later than 5:30." It was only noon so I planned on taking a little nap. It looked like that's what Shai had planned as well. Although those plans were ruined by an ever so cheerful Gwen. Where this girl gets her energy, I have no clue. "Okay girlies, let's go get dressed. Marra, I have this lipstick that would look glorious on you! Oh and Shai, you have to let me curl those locs of yours. Oh this is going to be fun!" Well there goes my nap. " Okay Gwen, but you bet your ass we're getting coffee first.

Two iced lattes and five hours later, we were all glammed up and in uniform. We packed some spare clothes for after the game in our bags and headed to the stadium. "Are you guys nervous?" Asked Shai. I thought about it. "I'm kind of nervous, but in a good way." Shai nodded and we looked to Gwen who had a huge smile on her face. "I'm not nervous, I'm just so happy! She giggled. Shai and I looked at each other and shook out heads. "Well this is going to be a night to remember."

Before we knew it, it was half time. We stood next to the locker rooms waiting to run onto the field. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was staring at me. I looked around trying to figure out who it was when I locked eyes with one of the football players running to the locker room. He looked to familiar but I could only see his eye because his helmet was still on. I didn't have the time to figure out who he was because they had just announced the dance team. I slapped a mega watt smile onto my face and ran out onto the field waving. We did our choreography and then danced with the band and the school mascot when the football team came back out. When we were leaving the field I tried to find that football player I locked eyes with. I should have looked at his number. I looked for him one last time before going to the locker room to change.

The game had ended with our team taking the win! Everyone was so pumped and ready to party. The girls and I and a few more people from the dance team walked in a group to the party. It was a joint frat party. It was crowded and everyone was dancing. In the short time we had been there Gwen had gotten totally wasted. She was all over the place dancing and singing. It was good to see here let loose. Shai seemed to be watching out for her so I went to get another beer. While I was turned around I heard everyone cheering but I assumed it was just a game of beer pong. The party was in full swing with people dancing everywhere, I decided to join in and dance with some friends from the dance team. One of the guys was grinding with me and we had formed a little circle. We were all laughing and having a good time. I had gotten so hot and sweaty that I went in search for a drink of water. Which is apparently non existent in a frat house. I went into the kitchen which had a big 'off limits' sign on the door. I didn't care. There was one bottle of water on the counter and I thanked god for it. I opened it and began to guzzle it when the kitchen door slammed open. "Just set it down in there!" Someone yelled from a distance. A tall guy came in with a huge box and set it on the counter. I turned around and went back to drinking my water. After a couple minutes I didn't hear him leave so I turned around and immediately regretted it. It was none other than Anwar Jones.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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