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wow. I am so sorry it took me this long to update! it wasn't planned to be this long so sorry about that! here it is though! I hope you guys like it!

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Liv let out a small sigh of content as she took a bite of her ice cream. Her eyes were focused on the television screen in front of her and she frowned at the soap opera she was busy watching. "But Maria! He loves you!" Liv cried out before stabbing her spoon into the container of ice cream and diving another spoonful into her mouth.

"Oh my god," a voice muttered from behind Liv causing the girl to groan. She turned her head to see Darcy standing there with wide eyes. "Hey, Darcy," Liv said before looking back at the screen.

"You must've really hit rock bottom to be watching this load of crap," Darcy said with a shake of her head as she walked into the kitchen to grab herself a spoon. She returned a moment later and sat on the couch next to Liv before taking the ice cream tub from her.

"Hey!" Liv exclaimed as she went to reach for it, but Darcy only whacked her hand away with her spoon. Liv frowned and crossed her arms as she leaned back on the couch.

"Do you have a purpose for being here right now? Or did you only come to eat my ice cream and make fun of the shows I like?" Liv asked. Darcy glanced over at the girl and Liv's eyes widened once she realized why Darcy was here.

"Nope. Don't say it. Please, don't say it," Liv said as she shook her head and looked away. Darcy gave her another look and Liv glanced at her before whispering heartbrokenly, "Please don't say it."

"I know you miss him," Darcy said and Liv felt as if she had been punched in the gut. "I. . .I don't miss Thor," Liv tried to say, but her voice wavered as she said it. Darcy just stared at her and Liv bit her lip. "Okay, so I miss him. . .like a lot."

Darcy gave her friend a sad look, but Liv waved her off. "It's just been a year that's all. It's not like I miss him so much that I would rather kill myself than be without him," Liv said with a nervous laugh that made Darcy blink in surprise. Liv glanced at her and gave her a serious look. "Cause I don't."

"Well, if you don't miss him so much that you want to kill yourself, then get up off your ass. We're going out," Darcy told her with a grin as she stood up. Liv instantly groaned. "Yeah, you see. . .about that. I'm kind of on vacation right now, so-" Liv began, but her friend cut her off.

"You see my face? It's the face of someone who doesn't give a shit, so come on," Darcy said as she grabbed the girl's arm.

She tried to drag the girl off of the couch, but Liv only grabbed the couch with her other arm and held on tight. Darcy huffed in frustration before grabbing ahold of the girl's legs and dragging her off of the couch. Liv fell to the ground hard and let out a small groan. Darcy appeared above her a moment later.

"Come on, Liv. All you ever do is work and the one time you're here and not working, you would rather watch soap operas and eat ice cream instead of hang out with your best friends in the whole wide world," Darcy frowned.

"Clint and Natasha aren't here," Liv muttered confused to which Darcy faked hurt. "Ouch. I meant me and Jane," Darcy said. "Oh, yeah," Liv chuckled while Darcy whacked her.

Liv looked at her friend who proceeded to give her her best puppy dog eyes. Liv sighed, "Okay, fine. I think I can afford to get up off my ass for a little bit and go out with you guys." Darcy squealed in excitement and helped the girl onto her feet before hugging her tight.

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