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"Send a squadron to the weapons vault, defend it at all costs. Secure the dungeon," Odin said as Frigga brought Liv over to where the king was standing. "Odin," Frigga greeted. The Asgardian king looked to his wife and smiled before saying, "Frigga."

His smile disappeared as he looked to the guards surrounding them. "Go!" Odin told them. They ran off and Odin looked back to Liv and Frigga. "It's a skirmish, nothing to fear."

Frigga smiled softly before saying, "You've never been a very good liar." Some more guards walked by and Liv's eyes lit up at the sight of Lady Sif. Sif locked eyes with the girl and Liv waved at her with a small smile which the warrior instantly returned before moving along.

"Take her to you chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe," Odin said to Frigga. "You take care," Frigga said. Odin smiled and brought a hand up to rest upon his wife's cheek. "Despite all I have survived, my queen still worries over me," Odin said fondly.

He turned to walk away and Frigga smiled after him. "It's only because I worry over you that you have survived," she told him. Odin looked back to her and smiled before walking off.

Frigga shook her head at the old man before lightly grabbing onto Liv's arm. "This way, my dear," she told her. Liv nodded and Frigga guided the girl around the corner and down one of the hallways.

They passed a group of guards and Liv furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion once she saw Frigga steal one of the guard's swords. "Why-?" Liv began to question, but the woman only gently grabbed onto her arm and gave her a serious look.

"Listen to me now, I need you to do everything I ask with no questions," Frigga told her. Her eyes flickered over the girl's face before she asked, "Can you do that for me?"

Liv watched the woman for a minute, using the small skills she had acquired as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to pick up on the small signs that Frigga was giving off that told her this was serious. Liv nodded slightly and Frigga instantly relaxed.

"Yes, ma'am."

- - -

The doors to the tower opened up as Malekith walked into the room that held Frigga and Liv. A look of fright appeared on the brunette's face as she quickly stood up and went to hide behind the queen. Frigga looked to Malekith and walked to the center of the room with the blade by her side.

"Stand down, creature. You may still survive this," Frigga told him. "I have survived worse, woman," Malekith assured her. "Who are you?" Frigga asked.

"I am Malekith, and I would have what is mine," the Dark Elf said. Both his and Frigga's gaze fell upon Liv who turned to run away. Malekith took a step forward to go after her, but Frigga was quick to strike him in the face with her sword.

He stumbled back slightly with a groan before drawing his own blade. He went to strike at Frigga, but she knocked the sword from his grip before he could. Form there, Malekith began to throw punches at her which she would dodge before attempting to swipe at him.

She was putting up a good fight and from the corner of the room, Liv stood watching. Which was very unlike her to just stand and not help in a fight, but Malekith didn't know that.

Frigga was eventually able to get her sword against Malekith's neck and the Dark Elf watched her with wide eyes. However, his gaze soon flickered to something beside her. Frigga moved her sword to attack what was next to her, but the creature dodged her attack and grabbed her by the neck before lifting her up off the ground.

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