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"When I'm sad I like to sing. I don't usually sing; I express my feelings through dance most of the time. But when I'm really sad, I sing. Whilst we were walking back from a long, tiring day at town I started to hum a tune. I guess I got a bit lost in myself because when I looked around I realised that I was lost. Jonah, Daniel and Zach were nowhere to be seen. I pulled my phone out my pocket and surprise surprise, it was dead."

You: great! What am I going to do now?

"I didn't really recognise where I was. I just looked around cluelessly. I noticed a park down the road and since I didn't know where to go, entered the park and sat on a bench."

??: hey y/n, are you okay?

"I turned around and saw Jack coming towards me, Corbyn was close behind."

Corbyn: I thought you were with Jonah, Daniel and Zach?
You: I was
Corbyn: you're so stupid. C'mon

"I stood up and followed Corbyn to his car. The three of us got in, me and Jack in the back seat."

Jack: (to you so Corbyn doesn't hear) have you told Daniel yet?
You: told him what?
Jack: that you like him?

"I quickly glanced at Corbyn to make sure he wasn't listening."

You: no. Not yet
Jack: okay
You: but he did text me this (shows him the texts from before when Daniel was shocked that she's dating Jack)
Jack: I guess he is feeling jealous

"When we got back to WDWs house, the other three guys looked relieved to see me."

Jonah: y/n! We thought something really bad happened
You: sorry guys. I got lost and my phone died
Zach: at least you're safe now
Corbyn: you can stay for dinner y/n. I'm sure Jack would like that

"He winked at me and Jack and I glanced at Daniel. He hadn't said anything to me for pretty much the whole day. I was a bit concerned. When we got in the house, I took him aside to speak to him."

You: Daniel whats wrong? You haven't said much the whole day
Daniel: just feeling a bit down
You: why? You can tell me Daniel
Daniel: it's just, seeing you with Jack hurts. I like you y/n, I always have...

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