28~ It Was Always You

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*Zach Pov*

This is it. If it doesn't work, then she's gone forever.

"I was in the hospital, sat by my mum. She had just had a scan to see how her cancer is doing. If it's still not gone she needs more treatment and could possibly die. I hope it's worked. If it hasn't then I don't know what I'm going to do."

"I'm trying to stay positive for my little siblings but it's really hard. And we're going on tour soon so I need to know if she's okay. I need her to be."

"I'm just glad everyone's having fun. Daniel and y/n have been together for over a week and so far they've been really close and happy together. They're going on their first official date as a couple tonight and I hope it will go well for them."

"Jack took it pretty well when he got rejected; he decided to find a new girl and Corbyn is helping him. I usually would, but not right now. I have to be with my mum."

"Jonah's helping me a lot. He tells me she'll be okay and I hope he's right. He says I've matured a lot. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? He says it's good."

"Well, I'm getting the results for my mum soon and I'm super nervous. Please please please me okay!"

*Your Pov*

"I opened my door and saw him looking at me with a cheesy grin. I smiled and he lead me to the car. Without telling me where we were going, he drove us down the road. I realised that he had just taken me back to the Why Don't We house."

You: why are we here?
Daniel: you'll see. Follow me!

"We walked inside where the whole kitchen was decorated. The lights were off and there were candles all around the room, fairy lights on the ceiling and roses on the table. He pulled a chair out and I sat down, mesmerising the room."

"Then, Corbyn came into the room dressed as a waiter with a notepad and pen. I laughed when I saw him try to put a serious face on."

Corbyn: hello and welcome to Why Don't We restaurant. I'm Corbyn and I'll be your waiter for today. Our chef is Jack. What would you like

"I looked at Daniel and laughed. I can tell this is going to be a fun night. Then Corbyn whispered to us quickly:

Corbyn: well, actually, there's only one thing on the menu so I guess that's what you're having...

"Daniel and I laughed again as Corbyn left the room, leaving us to talk."

You: you really put a lot of thought into this. Thank you
Daniel: you're welcome. Anytime

"After we ate our meal, we talked a bit longer and then a song started to play."

Daniel: may I have this dance?

"Nodding, I stood up and stood in front of him. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his shoulders and we started to sway. I put my head in the crook of his neck and thought about him. Everything about him. I think I love him."

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