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3 years ago
"You ready?" Vernon asks me, popping his head out the side of the bathroom, securing his tie in place.
"Yeah, all good!" I smile, checking the mirror one last time.
Family business calls for the whole family, even though I'm not in line for our dark hierarchy.
I follow my cousin out the door of his small duplex and seat myself in the passengers seat as he starts the car.
"I can't believe Bang finally found a consigliere!" He nudges me.
"I know our parents gon be mad at him when we get there" I sigh. "It makes sense to keep the heirloom of power going, but it ain't like it's a monarchy. This guys gotta be one of the best, so if PD chooses him, what we gonna do?"
I kick my feet up on his dashboard, to which he slaps my knee.
"Besides," I add on, "I ain't got time for that gang shit!"

Everyone's dressed formal in my grandfathers mansion, and even though I am as well distant relatives and mafia staff look at me with dismay. I don't have the time or energy to care that they're staring at my unorthodox, curly hair.
I look around me, realizing that Vernon was supposed to take me to intermediate family members – but he isn't anywhere in sight. I started moving forward, trying to think of how far he could have gotten from me. What a dumbass! I sigh heavily and turn around, ready to just leave. But as I do so my chest hits something, which turns out to be an unfamiliar figure.
"You're not in my family?" I say, more as a statement than a question and smile at him.
The boy is handsome- older than me by a few years but still youthful. His upper lip draws attention, being so much more plump and shaped compared to his bottom one, and his nose makes him appear almost foreign.
"Nope" he chuckles shyly, placing a hand on his neck. "I'm kinda lost. Came here to be introduced to your family." He says.
"Wait-" I jump. "You're not—"
"Gaho!" Band PD's voice booms from behind me.
The boy, who I now know is Gaho, flinches and slowly turns around. Before his scolding can take place, Pd catches sight of me.
"Well look who it is! I would have never expected to see you here, my Daeun!" Pd laughs. I smile half way, feeling uneasy.
"Young boy, how did you end up with my grandson?" He asks, tugging Gaho by the collar of his shirt.
"I was looking for you after using the restroom and we bumped into each other. Even though your family is huge he knew I wasn't one of you guys.."
His face and demeanor make him seem younger than me; almost innocent.
"I wasn't going to make the announcement until later, but by now you must've figured things out; this is my new understudy, Daeho!" He smiles, patting the other on his back.
"Like i said, just introduce me as Gaho!" He sighs.
I decide to mess with him just a bit. "Well Dae— Gaho, I think I should have your number" I suggest, smiling widely.
"W-what? Why?" He asks, turning to Pd then back at me.
"Because I want it. Also, if you're going to someday take over our business, which is usually heirloom, you should be IN the family, shouldn't you be?" I cock my head.
"Don't just say something like that so easily off the bat!!" He begs.
Pd chose a good consigliere.

Everything after that was history. After the mention of family investment, PD was delighted. We talked of it as much as we could before Gaho nearly passed out. Eventually after me and him became closer, the idea was brought up by him, months later, much to his dismay.
I fell in love with him. Everything about him. I still don't think I've ever met anyone as handsome as him.
After only half a year, we got married. This was easily supported by our family, especially Vernon, who is Gaho's best friend. He was part of the family, and it saved me from having to join the family business completely.
It seems like I love him for all the things he stands for- all the benefits. Unhealthily so, I worship him. I always have. If I never got to make him Lee Daeho as I am Lee Daeun, I would have gone mad.
Under the wing of PD, Gaho studied, trained, and eventually met a few boys and worked with them to build into our family.
I never got the chance to meet them.
It was rainy and dark all day- bird were swimming in the road and no cars dared to enter the streets. Though most approve of Hitman Bang's hierarchy, he has a few small but powerful enemies, which were never a big threat; until recently.
My mother began to stray from her father, and overtime soured until she wanted me to have nothing to do with her side of the family.
Gaho was all I had keeping me to the hierarchy at that rate.
He's all I had.
I woke up next to him as I did everyday, the two of us shirtless after a long night. His warmth pressed against me, skin on skin.
That's the last time I would ever get to embrace him.
He got a call, waking him up and eventually taking him to the hang out of him and his boys. I'm still half asleep, and just mumble "I love you."
I feel his warm hand on my face for a minute, then he's gone. Though I'm top, he always makes me so soft.

I wake up once again later, god knows how much time has passed, and check my phone almost immediately.
Seven missed calls (5 voicemails)
4 texts
2 missed calls
30 texts
My blood runs cold, but I rationalize their frantic calls as good news, and decide to call Hitman Bang back.
"Hello?" I ask.
Silence holds over the line for several seconds?
"Are you sitting down?" A low grumble calls over.
"Uh, yeah? What's up?"
"Daeho was attacked."

It's insane how debilitating loss is. For weeks you can't move or open your eyes or even contemplate the world around you; you just don't work. Then the next moment you're screaming like a lunatic and running down the street in the middle of the night, concerning pedestrians and cars rolling up their windows.
I went through both of those phases. In and out since then. I lost so much weight my body was never able to recover; I'm still bony and wirey to this day.
This has gone on for years, and I still feel recovery is impossible. But my lamenting has been replaced with a bitter, souring emotion rotting my brain to the core.
I've only been able to function after rationalizing his death to the fault of my family. Not only do I have to lose my husband, but Vernon lost his best friend that day, and the cluster of young boys he had trained and would be my dongsaengs must be lost now. Though Hansol and I haven't talked since the incident, i know he must have grieved for a long time.
One day the damage of my own lifeless brain hit me- I knew what I had to do.
Hitman and his hierarchy let Gaho die. Now my astrayed cousin, Jungkook, will most likely be pursued in order to keep the heirloom going. I know Vernon won't accept the title. If I can rise to power- become the next Hitman, I can punish everyone for what they did to my Daeho.
Yes- they have to be handled- and I won't let anybody stop me.
Not even my own family.

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